Gov't to improve co-ordination in maintenance of drainage systems (21/4/1998)
21 April 1998
The Drainage Services Department (DSD) will initiate measures to improve co-ordination among departments at regional level in maintaining Hong Kong's road drainage systems.
The proposal, which included regular meetings to discuss problems and possible solutions, was supported by representatives of relevant Government departments attending a half-day seminar held by DSD today (Tuesday) on the design and maintenance of these systems to prevent flooding.
About 120 delegates from the Highways Department, Urban Services Department, Regional Services Department, Civil Engineering Department, Territory Development Department and DSD were present.
"We share common responsibilities and therefore work closely together to maintain the drainage system in its best operating capacity," the Director of Drainage Services, Mr John Collier, told the delegates.
"Today's seminar provides a forum for discussion. I hope we would open up ourselves in sharing our views on the topic and discussing possible solutions to the problem," he added.
The department will also improve maintenance practices and upgrade substandard drainage systems while stepping up efforts on educating the public in flood prevention.
The seminar started with an introduction to the urban road drainage system in Hong Kong. It highlighted the common causes of flooding which included the choking of roadside gullies and intakes by rubbish and construction debris, blockage of gully connection pipes, and siltation in main drains.
End/Tuesday, April 21, 1998