Contract for channel improvement works in NWNT awarded (6/8/1999)

6 August 1999

The Drainage Services Department (DSD) today (Friday) awarded a $289 million contract to further improve the drainage facilities in Kam Tin area with a view to reducing the flooding hazard during the wet seasons.

The contract was signed between the Acting Assistant Director (Projects and Development), Mr SHIU Wing-yu, and a representative of the contractor, Wing Fai Construction Company Limited.

The works, as part of the Government's ensuring efforts in flood prevention in the Northwest New Territories (NWNT), will involve the construction of a three-kilometre long drainage channel from Kam Tin San Tsuen to Wang Toi Shan to increase the flood discharging capacity of the upper reaches of Kam Tin River.

In addition, four vehicular bridges and five footbridges will be constructed .

The works will start in mid-August this year for completion in April 2002.

Upon completion, the upstream of Kam Tin River will be widened from 10 metres to 20 metres while the downstream from 15 metres to 35 metres. Its depth will also be increased from two/three metres to about four metres. As a result, its capacity will be able to withstand a rainstorm of 1 in 50 years return period with the highest discharge rate of about 270 cubic metres per second.

Apart from the river training works, an inflatable dam will be constructed for providing irrigation water to the adjacent farm lands. The dam will be automatically deflated during heavy rains to allow flood water flowing downstream without increasing the flooding hazard to the surroundings.

DSD, when designing these river training works, will not only take into account of the increase of the flooding discharging capacity, but also the irrigation needs of the local villagers.

Under the Government's flood prevention strategy, the major rivers in Yuen Long, Kam Tin and Ngau Tam Mei are to be widened, deepened and straightened to increase the flood discharging capacity.

The improvement works in Yuen Long Main Drainage Channel and the lower and middle reaches of the Kam Tin Main Drainage Channel were completed in December 1998 and June 1999 respectively. Works for the improvement of the major river in Ngau Tam Mei will start in November this year.

A total of $800 million has already been spent on previous contracts to improve the downstream portions of the major rivers in the NWNT. Another $1,100 million will be used on the contract awarded today and other coming ones for further improvement of the major rivers in the areas. Upon the completion of these river training works, the flooding problems in NWNT will be further relieved.

End/Friday, August 6, 1999

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