DSD Annual Media Briefing 2015: Phase 1 Works of Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme has been successfully completed

26 March 2015

The Drainage Services Department (DSD) held the Annual Media Briefing on 26 March to brief the media about the latest situation of DSD’s work on flood prevention and to lead a visit to recently completed Phase 1 works of Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme (HVUSSS).

Director of Drainage Services, Mr Daniel CHUNG Kum-wah, told the media that following a review in early 2015, the number of flooding blackspots had been reduced to 10 after eliminating the one at Tuen Mun San Tsuen. The drainage improvement works for four of the remaining flooding blackspots were commissioned and would be timely removed after verifying the performance. The improvement works for another one flooding blackspots are in progress, while the first stage improvement works for the remaining five were completed and put into operation with the planning and design of the next stage works underway.

From 1989 to 2014, DSD completed 84 major flood prevention projects at a total cost of about $24.7 billion and eliminated 121 flooding blackspots. Mr Daniel CHUNG Kum-wah stated that DSD will continue to conduct the drainage master plan review studies for various districts across the territory and examine the existing stormwater drainage systems in order to cope with development needs as well as the impacts of climate change. To promote sustainable development, DSD would commission this year a consultancy study to develop feasible schemes for revitalising water bodies, taking account of the unique features of the river channels in Hong Kong.  DSD would also adopt the concept of revitalising water bodies in large-scale drainage improvement works and planning drainage networks for new development areas so as to build a better environment for the public.

After the briefing, a guided tour to Phase 1 works of HVUSSS was arranged for the media with demonstration of the movable weirs’ operation. Phase 1 works of HVUSSS would come into operation in end-March, substantially uplift the flood protection level of Happy Valley and the vicinity of Wan Chai.

Secretary for Development, Mr CHAN Mo-po, wrote about HVUSSS in his blog on 5 April 2015.

For more details, please visit the link below:

(Chinese version only)

Director of Drainage Services, Mr Daniel CHUNG Kum-wah, briefing the media on the department’s work on flood prevention

Director of Drainage Services, Mr Daniel CHUNG Kum-wah, briefing the media on the department’s work on flood prevention

Mr Daniel CHUNG Kum-wah giving interview to the media

Mr Daniel CHUNG Kum-wah giving interview to the media

Chief Engineer/Drainage Projects, Mr LUK Wai-hung, briefing the media about the HVUSSS

Chief Engineer/Drainage Projects, Mr LUK Wai-hung, briefing the media about the HVUSSS

Demonstration of the movable weirs’ operation

Demonstration of the movable weirs’ operation

Interior of underground storage tank

Interior of underground storage tank

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