Recognizing that green landscape enhances the quality of life, DSD has been conscious to apply greening effort to soften sewage treatment works, sewage and flood pumping facilities which could be visually sensitive in their neighbourhood. The greening helps reduce visual monotony, enrich local biodiversity and improve microclimate such as providing shades, absorbing heat and reducing flying dust. Trees and flowers also provide a sense of seasonal change and increase aesthetic quality.
Landscaping within the facilities elevates the ratio of green cover in the district. It also harmonises the shapes, textures and colours of such utility service architecture. Greenery mediates concrete buildings, tanks, pump rooms, exhaust pipes, walls, and open areas. Some of the facilities also provides podium garden that is accessible by the public, provides more recreation areas for the general public.
To echo with the Hong Kong New Cityscape clean-up campaign, DSD has installed a series of thematic manhole covers that incorporated local elements, with the aim of beautifying our community.
Mural Painting Beautification of facilities
Mural is recognized as a popular tool of public art to beautiful the city. It has positive impact to the local community mentally, socially, culturally. In recent years, DSD uses mural paintings on the facades of our facilities to bring art to the general public, and beautifies the neighbourhood.
Beautifying and Greening of DSD facilities
While landscape design is introduced to new works, Drainage Services Department (DSD) is continuously pursuing more landscaping measures in existing sewage treatment works and sewage pumping stations. We strongly believe green effort to make-over the plants will not only improve environment but also give confidence to the community that we always have regard to the neighbourhood and will maintain and enhance the sites in the best possible way.
Thematic Manhole Covers
DSD has been managing over 4800 kilometers drainage system with the mission of flood prevention and sewage services. DSD has designed a series of thematic manhole covers that incorporated local elements and highlighted Hong Kong culture. Our initiative aims to arouse public's interest in public drainage system while beautifying our community and providing wonderful venues for the enjoyment of citizens and tourists.
More than 200 thematic manhole covers have been located in various selected locations. DSD is planning to install more thematic manhole covers in the territory.

Cha Kwo Ling Promenade on Wai Yip Street (1 nos.)

Kai Tak River (near Lok Sin Road and Shatin Pass Road) (4 nos.)

Tai Po Lam Tsuen Heung Kung Sho Road and near the Lam Tsuen Wishing Square (8 nos.)

Lei Yue Mun (Lei Yue Mun Praya Road, Lei Yue Mun Hoi Pong Road Central and Lei Yue Mun Hoi Pong Road East) (122 nos.)

Ngong Ping - Lantau Trail Section 4 and Lin Ping Drive (19 nos.)

Tai O (Tai O Market Street and Kat Hing Street) (15 nos.)

To Kwa Wan Promenade fronting To Kwa Wan Preliminary Treatment Works (6 nos.)

Tsui Ping Seaside (near Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station) (6 nos.)

Hoi Fai Road Promenade (4 nos.)

Butterfly Valley Road Pet Garden (9 nos.)
Ng Tung Chai (8 nos.)