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Key Statistics and Data

Environmental Performance

Energy Consumption

  Unit 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Electricity1 GJ (Million kWh) 892,800
Pool cars GJ (Litre) 877.48
AM cars GJ (Litre) 4,103.83
Biogas2 million m3 9 10 10 7 9
Electricity generated from biogas Million kWh 27 28 32 21 27
Average electricity consumption per unit volume of sewage treated kWh 0.24 0.26 0.27 0.29 0.31
By DSD's contractors (302-2)
Electricity GJ (Million kWh) 137,952
Gasoline GJ (Litre) 13,153
Diesel GJ (Million kWh) 94,698
1 The total electricity consumption includes the office at Revenue Tower, Kowloon Government offices and Western Magistracy, and DSD's flood prevention and sewage treatment facilities (including sewage treatment works, sewage pumping stations and stormwater pumping stations).
2 Generated from sewage treatment works.
#Data may not equal to actual figures due to rounding of numbers in calculation.

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions3

  Unit 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Electricity purchased (Scope 2) Tonnes CO2e 173,103 184,265 187,611 191,492 221,473
Gasoline combustion (Scope 1)
Pool cars Tonnes CO2e 63.07 63.83 65.90 44.83 42.85
AM cars Tonnes CO2e 336.53 271.54 249.93 226.79 244.53
By DSD's contractors (305-3)
Electricity purchased (Scope 3) Tonnes CO2e 26,824 4,536 19,016 11,009 19,019
Fuel consumption (Scope 3)4 Tonnes CO2e 7,865 2,824 3,561 1,218 1,511
3 GHG emission were calculated based on the Guidelines to Account for and Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals for buildings (Commercial, Residential or Institutional Purpose) in Hong Kong issued by the Environmental Protection Department and Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, HKSAR in February 2010.
4 Generated from stationary combustion of diesel and mobile combustion of petrol i.e. vehicle consumption

Water Consumption

  Unit 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Freshwater consumption at flood prevention and sewage treatment facilities m3 1,709,925 2,085,560 2,050,936 2,433,500 2,191,991
Daily reclaimed water produced at STWs m3 1,151 1,565 1,512 1,332 1,340
Percentage of water reclaimed % 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.05

Sewage Treatment

  Unit 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Volume of sewage treated Million m3 1,021 1,011 1,007 1,015 1,007
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) removed from sewage Tonnes 109,579 115,681 124,569 151,406 146,159
Suspended solids (SS) removed from sewage 169,792 207,738 242,933 277,232 223,165
Nitrogen removed from sewage 6,067 6,820 6,551 6,683 7,106
Dewatered sludge removed from sewage 298,093 355,220 392,396 410,526 386,137
Screenings removed from sewage 13,663 15,817 15,172 14,823 14,970
Grits removed from sewage 4,903 5,429 6,631 6,513 4,996

Waste Management (306-2)

  Unit 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Construction & demolition materials
C&D waste disposed of to landfills5 103kg 6,093 6,420 6,998 5,801 2,273
C&D waste disposed of to public fill areas5 103kg 584,018 238,662 235,735 170,162 155,469
Recyclable waste collected
Waste paper6 kg 13,284 28,918 19,360 20,587 15,954
Aluminium cans7 kg 14.76 30.70 19.73 29.51 32.23
Plastic bottles7 kg 27.78 43.70 20.71 18.76 22.72
5 Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste includes metals, paper / cardboard packaging waste, chemical waste and other wastes such as general refuse.
6 The amount of waste paper collected did not include those collected from project sites.
7 The amount of aluminium cans and plastic bottles collected did not include those collected from the Kowloon Government Offices and Western Magistracy as the data were not available.

Material consumption (301-1)

  Unit 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Total paper consumption Reams 10,520 10,012 9,608 9,285 9,231
A4 paper Reams 10,080 9,452 9,357 8,992 8,854
A3 paper Reams 440 470 251 293 377
Purchased A4/A3 paper with recycle content Reams (% of total paper purchased) 10,520
Paper consumed per staff (By establishment) Reams 5.6 5.3 5.0 4.8 4.8
By DSD's contractors
Rebar Tonnes Figures not available 7,165 10,643 13,325
Steel Tonnes 3,171 3,402 5,042
Bricks m3 30 5,817 1,993
Cement Tonnes 2,406 2,248 3,500
Cement mortar m3 263 640 1,946
Concrete m3 50,616 73,175 74,651
Sand Tonnes 12,586 24,117 23,111
Stones Tonnes 9,617 31,898 26,775
Office paper Tonnes 27 40 74


  Unit 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Trees Planted No. 2,169 570 2,300 10,000 1,300
Area of Green Roof Added m2 4,902 6,051 4,015 4,200 4,150

Social Performance


  Unit 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Staff establishment (102-7) No. 1,862 1,883 1,914 1,937 1,940
Directorate No. 18 18 18 18 18
Professional No. 292 306 310 310 307
Technical & Site Supervisory No. 827 838 865 884 888
General & Common Grades No. 526 524 526 531 533
Model Scale I No. 199 197 195 194 194
Training courses8 No. 584 624 654 674 638
Trainees No. 6,574 7,159 8,019 9,042 8,033
Training hours received (based on the staff strength) Hours 54,517 57,600 58,520 57,737 60,524
Average Training Hours per Staff Hours 31.6 31.8 33.0 33.4 35
Total expenditure on training (includes local training only)8 HK$ 3,856,237 4,201,000 3,585,011 3,046,283 2,929,551
Staff injury cases9 (403-2) No. 10 11 13 7 5
No. of sick leave for officers injured on duty Days 603.0 914.5 870.5 800.5 305.510
8 It includes internal and external seminars/ workshops/ training courses/ visits and training courses held by CSTDI and staff-initiated external courses.
9 The definition of staff injury cases is the reported cases of occupational injuries, under Employee's Compensation Ordinance, resulting in death or incapacity for work over 3 days.
10 The number includes sick leave days granted in 2016-17 but enjoyed in 2017-18.

Staff Breakdown in 2017-18

  Unit By Strength
No. of Staff No. 1,716
By Post
Directorate % 0.99
Professional % 16.67
Technical & Site Supervisory % 50.29
General & Common Grades % 25.58
Model Scale I % 6.47
By Employment Type
Full-time % 100
Part-time % 0
By Employment Contract
Permanent (Male) % 82.3
Permanent (Female) % 17.7
By Age
Age 20-29 % 10.8
Age 30-39 % 22.0
Age 40-49 % 25.4
Age 50-59 % 39.5
Age 60 or above % 2.3
By Ethnicity
Local % 100
Non-local % 0
By Gender
Male % 82.3
Female % 17.7

Senior Management Breakdown in 2017-18

  Unit By Strength
No. of Staff No. 6
By Age
Age 20-29 % 0
Age 30-39 % 0
Age 40-49 % 0
Age 50-59 % 83.3
Age 60 or above % 16.7
By Ethnicity
Local % 100
Non-local % 0
By Gender
Male % 100
Female % 0

Training Hours Breakdown in 2017-1811

Type of Staff No. of Staff Training Hours Received (Hours) Training Hours Per Staff (Hours)
Directorate Staff 17 1,752 103
Professional Grade Staff 286 25,411 89
Technical, Site Supervisory, General Grade and Model Scale I Staff 1,413 33,361 24
11 As there is no distinct requirement regarding receiving training in terms of gender, therefore we do not report the data broken down by gender.

Staff Turnover in 2017-1812

  Unit Male Female
Age 20-29 No. 1 2
Age 30-39 No. 1 0
Age 40-49 No. 1 1
Age 50-59 No. 10 8
Age 60 or above No. 64 6
12 The staff turnover figures exclude those General/Common Grades' staff on inter-department transfer.

New Employee Hires in 2017-1813

  Unit Male Female
No. of New Employee Hires No. 93 22
By Age
Age 20-29 No. 50 17
Age 30-39 No. 27 3
Age 40-49 No. 12 1
Age 50-59 No. 4 1
Age 60 or above No. 0 0
13 The above figures involve staff with their 1st appointment date falling within the period from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.

Accident Rate (403-2)

  Unit 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Number of fatalities
No. of fatalities No. 2 0 1 0 1
Construction and maintenance works carried out directly by DSD's staff No. 0 0 0 0 0
Construction and maintenance works undertaken by DSD's contractors No. 2 (Male) 0 1 (Male) 0 1 (Male)
Fatal accident rate per 100,000 man-hours
Construction and maintenance works carried out directly by DSD's staff14 - 0 0 0 0 0
Construction and maintenance works undertaken by DSD's contractors14 - 0.012 0 0.011 0 0.01
Number of non-fatal accidents
Construction and maintenance works carried out directly by DSD's staff14 No. 10 11 13 7 5
Construction and maintenance works undertaken by DSD's contractors14 No. 36 18 14 8 15
Non-fatal accident rate per 100,000 man-hours
Construction and maintenance works carried out directly by DSD's staff14 - 0.15 0.17 0.20 0.10 0.08
Construction and maintenance works undertaken by DSD's contractors14 - 0.21 0.13 0.16 0.11 0.22
14 We currently do not collect these figures by gender.

Community Work and Charitable Contributions (203-2)

  Unit 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Total number of voluntary work hours carried out by our staff Hours 800 1,000 1,200 1,115 1,795
Number of voluntary projects completed No. 21 25 27 20 41
Employee fundraising HK$ thousands 67 73 65 53 49

Economic Performance

The two major types of expenses in DSD are operational expenses and public works project expenses. Our day-to-day departmental operation is financed by the General Revenue Account of the Government, while funding for public works projects are approved on a project-by-project basis by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council. To ensure public funds are used effectively, we strive to enhance operation efficiency by adopting new technologies and management practices.

Operating Expenditure (201-1)

  Unit 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Recurrent Expenditure Personal Emoluments $M 793.5 839.8 882.3 917.2 916.9
Departmental Expenses15 $M 1,178.9 1,286.5 1,487.8 1,646.9 1,692.8
Capital Account Expenditure $M 28.6 22.6 23.3 30.1 37.2
Total $M 2,001.0 2,148.9 2,393.4 2,594.2 2,646.9
15 It included expenses on Mandatory Provident Fund & Civil Service Provident Fund.

Capital Works Project Expenditure

  Unit 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Value of drainage projects under planning, design and construction $M 12,311 12,975 13,983 14,445 26,876
Value of sewerage projects under planning, design and construction $M 78,749 80,483 72,402 70,093 73,175
No. of drainage projects under planning, design and construction No. 20 17 18 18 24
No. of sewerage projects under planning, design and construction No. 87 81 73 69 66

Sewage Services Operating Accounts

  Unit 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-1816
Sewage Charge Revenue $M 875 955 1,047 1,161 1,296
Trade Effluent Surcharge Revenue $M 222 227 222 232 244
Other Revenue $M 44 45 48 46 46
Overall Revenue $M 1,141 1,227 1,317 1,438 1,586
Expenditure (excluding depreciation) $M (1,593) (1,759) (2,149) (2,340) (2,334)
Depreciation $M (851) (840) (1,043) (1,518) (1,546)
Overall Expenditure $M (2,444) (2,599) (3,192) (3,858) (3,880)
(Deficit) $M (1,303) (1,372) (1,875) (2,420) (2,294)
16 The 2017-18 figures are provisional and subject to endorsement by the Sewage Services Accounts Committee.

Sewage Services Operating Cost Recovery Rate17

  Unit 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Revenue of Sewage Charge and Trade Effluent Surcharge $M 1,269 1,393 1,540
Expenditure (excluding depreciation) of Sewage Charge and Trade Effluent Surcharge18 $M 2,101 2,296 2,289
Operating Cost Recovery Rate % 60.4 60.7 67.3
17 “Miscellaneous services” are excluded from the revenues and expenditure in this table.
18 Depreciation is not recovered through the Sewage Charge and Trade Effluent Surcharge at present.

Sewage Service Charge Consumption and Payment Statistics

  2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Number of water accounts (in thousand) 2,860 2,881 2,907 2,955 2,989
Number of water accounts liable to pay sewage charge (in thousand) 2,640 2,663 2,689 2,735 2,765
Number of Accounts - Trade Effluent Surcharge (TES) (in thousand) 23 24 25 27 28

Routine Services

Number of Enquiries Received for the Past Five Years

Number of Enquiries about Sewage Services Received for the Past Five Years

Business Reclassification Applications Handled for the Past Five Years

Business Reclassification Applications Handled for the Past Five Years

Number of New TES Accounts Identified for the Past Five Years

Number of New TES Accounts Identified for the Past Five Years

Water consumption of Sewered Accounts (561 Million m3) - Customers Pattern in 2017-18

Water consumption of Sewered Accounts (561 Million m3) - Customers Pattern in 2017-18

Domestic Accounts - Sewage Charge Payment Pattern in 2017-18 (HK$/month)

Domestic Accounts - Sewage Charge Payment Pattern in 2017-18 (HK$/month)

TES Accounts - TES Payment Pattern in 2017-18 (HK$/month)

TES Accounts - TES Payment Pattern in 2017-18 (HK$/month)

Sewage Charge ($1,296 M) - Revenue Pattern by Type in 2017-18

Sewage Charge ($1,296 M) - Revenue Pattern by Type in 2017-18

Trade Effluent Surcharge ($244 M) - Revenue Pattern by Type in 2017-18

Trade Effluent Surcharge ($244 M) - Revenue Pattern by Type in 2017-18

Sewage Charge and Trade Effluent Surcharge ($1,540 M) - Revenue Pattern by Type in 2017-18

Sewage Charge and Trade Effluent Surcharge ($1,540 M) - Revenue Pattern by Type in 2016-17

Other Key Statistics

  Unit 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Flood Prevention
Total Number of Flooding Blackspots No. 11 10 8 7 6
Sewage Treatment
Coverage of public sewerage (population percentage)19 - 93.4% 93.4% 93.5% 93.5% 93.5%
Total length of sewerage network km 1,695 1,710 1,727 1,755 1,770
Total no. of sewage treatment facilities No. 293 297 300 304 314
Volume of Sewage Treated Million m3 1,021 1,011 1,007 1,015 1,007
By Preliminary Treatment 303 228 138 45 58
By Primary Treatment 5 5 5 5 5
By Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment (CEPT) 541 606 690 779 757
By Secondary Treatment 172 172 174 186 187
By Tertiary Treatment 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.17 0.17
Emission factor of GHG emissions due to electricity used for processing sewage - 0.166 0.161 0.190 0.203 0.219
19 Based on the number of domestic water bill accounts with sewage charges levied.