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Environmental Management

Green Office

We make every effort to practise the green office concept in every aspect of our day-to-day operation. A series of green policies and measures are in place to raise the environmental awareness of our staff.

Waste Management

Bringing the green office concept into full play, we have introduced a number of measures to reduce waste at source. These include issuing guidelines on reducing paper consumption and green tips, and encouraging our staff to use both sides of paper and reuse envelopes whenever possible. We also set up collection points to recycle used toner cartridges, rechargeable batteries, waste paper, plastic and metal containers, as well as conduct regular office inspections to heighten environmental awareness among our staff.

Forging ahead with the green office concept, we have been actively promoting “paperless meetings” by using electronic devices such as tablets and laptop computers for presentations and discussions in day-to-day meetings to reduce paper consumption. In addition, we have begun promoting e-fax since mid-2017. As from 2018, all DSD administration divisions have switched to e-fax for document transmission. We now have 142 e-fax numbers department-wide.

Waste paper collection box beside printer promoting less paper consumption

Waste paper collection box beside printer promoting less paper consumption

Implementing “paperless meetings”

Implementing "paperless meetings"

During the year,
  • DSD held about 210 paperless meetings and circulated more than 1,700 relevant documents electronically
  • Total paper consumption was 9,231 reams, down about 34% compared with 2009-10.

Total paper consumption (ream)

Paper consumption per staff (ream)

Note:  Total paper consumption (ream) and paper consumption per capita (ream) as at 31 March 2018

Supporting the Government's Call to Reduce Plastic Waste

Playing its part to protect the environment, the Government has made strong efforts in promoting waste reduction at source. Since 20 February 2018, automatic vending machines at government venues has no longer offered plastic bottled water of one litre or less. In support of this initiative, DSD has ceased to sell plastic bottled water in its only vending machine in Shatin STW.

Vending machine in Shatin STW before (left) and after (right) the ban of plastic bottled water

Energy Saving

As reinforced in "Action Plan", the Government would step up the promotion of green buildings and reduce electricity consumption of government buildings. As a matter of fact, over the years, DSD has implemented a number of energy saving measures in our offices, including setting the room temperature at 25.5oC, reducing non-essential lighting, and using timers to turn off office equipment after office hours. Our electricity consumption has dropped significantly as a result. In 2017-18, we recorded approximately 18.7% reduction in energy consumption compared with 2010-11, showing our efforts in protecting the environment.

Reducing non-essential lighting

Electricity consumption by DSD offices

Electricity consumption by DSD offices

Green Procurement

Always in strong support of the Government's green procurement policy, DSD gives due consideration to environmental factors when procuring goods and services. In 2017-18, we purchased a wide variety of products complying with green specifications, including electrical appliances such as photocopiers, printers, electric fans, computers and refrigerators, and to office consumables such as recycled paper, correction tapes, pencils, rechargeable batteries, toilet paper and garbage bags.

A wide range of green materials and products have also been introduced to our projects, including:

  • Paving blocks made from recycled glass;
  • Recycled timber;
  • Photovoltaic panels and photovoltaic LED lighting; and
  • EVs and hybrid cars.

Porous pavement and grasscrete panels in North Point Preliminary Treatment Works

Nourishing a Sustainable Culture

Formed by a group of colleagues dedicated to participating in and promoting sustainable culture, the Green Champions organise a host of activities and share green tips. They also reflect staff’s view to the Green Management Committee so as to increase green awareness among colleagues to enhance sustainable development. In 2017-18, the Green Champions organised the following activities:

  1. Green Farming Competition – setting up additional farming lots in available areas within DSD facilities for greening and for colleagues and their families to experience the joy of farming.
  2. Books, Children's Toys and Video Discs Exchange – collecting and sharing used books, children's toys and video discs from staff to promote sustainable use of resources.

All DSD staff participated actively in these activities, which has helped heighten their green awareness. We are very pleased to see colleagues’ enthusiasm in promoting environmental protection and efforts in achieving energy efficiency and reducing carbon footprint at work.

Green plants in the office

Green plants in the office

Books, Children Toys and Video Disc Exchange Activity

Books, Children Toys and Video Disc Exchange Activity

Green Farming Competition

Green Farming Competition

Family farming fun

Family farming fun