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Environmental Management

Green Office icon

We make every effort to put the green office concept into practice at DSD headquarters. Green culture is introduced into every aspect of our day-to-day operation. Therefore, we have in place a series of green policies and measures to raise the environmental awareness of our staff.

Corner Corner
Green plants

Green plants

Waste paper collection box beside photocopier

Waste paper collection box beside photocopier

Green Procurement

DSD has always supported the Government’s green procurement policy. In 2016-17, we procured a wide variety of products complying with green specifications, including electrical appliances such as photocopiers, printers, electric fans, computers and refrigerators, and office consumables such as recycled paper, correction tapes, pencils, rechargeable batteries, toilet paper and garbage bags.

A wide range of green materials and products have also been introduced to our works projects, including:

  • Paving blocks made from recycled glass;
  • Recycled timber;
  • Photovoltaic panels and photovoltaic LED lighting; and
  • EVs and hybrid cars.

Energy Saving

As announced in the 2014 Policy Address, the Government will further enhance the promotion of green buildings and reduce electricity consumption of government buildings. Over the years, DSD has implemented a number of energy saving measures in our offices, including setting the room temperature at 25.5oC, reducing non-essential lighting, and using timers to turn off shared office equipment after office hours. In 2016-17, we recorded approximately 17% reduction in energy consumption compared with 2010-11, demonstrating DSD's commitment to energy saving and consumption reduction.

Corner Corner
Reducing non-essential lightings

Reducing non-essential lightings

Electricity consumption by DSD offices

Waste Management

Dedicated to greening our offices, we actively reduce waste and conserve resources. Apart from releasing guidelines on reducing paper consumption and green tips, we encourage our staff to print on both sides and reuse envelopes as far as possible. Moreover, we set up various recycling stations to collect toner cartridges, rechargeable batteries, waste paper, plastic and metal containers, etc, as well as conduct regular office inspections to further increase the environmental awareness of our staff.

We have been actively promoting “paperless meetings” by using electronic devices such as tablets and laptop computers for presentations and discussions in day-to-day meetings to reduce paper consumption. In 2016-17, we held about 183 paperless meetings and circulated over 1,513 documents electronically, and used approximately 9,285 reams of paper, a decrease of about 34% compared with 2009-10.

In 2016-17, we
  • held 183 paperless meetings and circulated over 1,513 documents electronically
  • Paper consumption was approximately 9,285 reams, down about 34% when compared with 2009-10
Corner Corner
Promoting “paperless meetings” to reduce paper usage

Promoting “paperless meetings” to reduce paper usage

Total paper consumption (ream)

Paper consumption per staff (ream)

Nourishing a Sustainable Culture

Formed by a group of colleagues dedicated to promoting a sustainable culture and with the full support and encouragement of DSD, the Green Champions endeavour to raise staff members' sense of environmental responsibility in offices and home, foster green living habits and minimise wastage. In 2016-17, the Green Champions organised and participated in the following activities:

  • Green Farming Competition – making use of available areas within DSD facilities for colleagues and their families to experience the joy of farming;
  • Books and Video Disc Exchange – collecting and sharing used books and video discs from staff members to promote sustainable use of resources; and
  • International Coastal Clean-up – removing litter near Ocean Park and on a mudflat at Ha Pak Nai, Yuen Long.
Corner Corner

Green Farming Competition

Corner Corner

Books and Video Disc Exchange

Corner Corner

International Coastal Clean-up