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Drainage Services Department

Sustainability Report 2014-15

About this Report

Through compiling the Sustainability Report, we review the sustainability performance of DSD throughout the year, and elaborate on our efforts and commitment to stakeholders and the general public.

Reporting Scope and Boundary

GRI G4 Guidelines emphasise ‘materiality’ of the aspects, and encourage organisations to report the key information with which the stakeholders are most concerned. Since 2013-14, we have carried out relevant stakeholder engagement exercises when compiling our Sustainability Reports. We will invite stakeholder groups in stages, with reference to their characters, to explore their concerns about DSD’s work.[2] This year, we strengthened the ties with the following two stakeholder groups, and collected and analysed their views through focus group meetings and surveys.[3]

During the process, stakeholders were asked to evaluate the relative importance of various aspects regarding DSD’s sustainability issues and performance. After analysing the results from the stakeholder engagement exercise, the list of Material Aspects identified were submitted to DSD’s senior management and Taskforce on Sustainability Reporting for final review and endorsement. [5]

The Material Aspects and the corresponding Boundaries covered in the Report are listed as follows: [6]

Category Material Aspect [7] Boundaries [8]
Operations of DSD Operations of Our Major Consultants and Contractors
Environment Ecological Conservation
Energy Management
Effluents and Waste Treatment [9]
Odour Management
Use of Materials
Water Resources Management
Economic Financial Performance
Indirect Economic Impacts
Procurement Practices
Social Results of Survey Measuring Customer Satisfaction
Occupational Safety and Health

The Report covers the Material Aspects arising from offices and facilities operated by DSD, as well as those from the operations of our major consultants and contractors. [8] DSD has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the data and information provided herein, however we rely on relevant parties to provide part of such data and information that we do not have direct control.

[1] G4-17
[2] G4-25
[3] G4-24
[4] G4-26
[5] G4-18
[6] G4-27
[7] G4-19
[8] G4-20, G4-21
[9] G4-23 Newly covered in the Report
