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Drainage Services Department - Sustainability Report 2012-2013

Managing the Environment / Odour Management

[Executive Summary] [Traditional Chinese Version] [Simplified Chinese Version] [Graphical Version] [Independent Assurance Opinion Statements] [Feedback] [Key Statistics and Data] [GRI Content Index] [Sitemap]

Sub-sections in Managing the Environment

[Overview of Flood Prevention] [Energy Management and Emission Control] [Resources Conservation] [Green Procurement and Green Office] [Odour Management]


[highlight5.gif] 560,000 No. of Shrubs Planted

Odour Management

Environmental improvement works in Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works (SCISTW), i.e. covering sedimentation tanks, installation of deodouriser in SCISTW under HATS 2A

Three-step mitigation measures for odour control are taken at the existing sedimentation tanks of SCISTW:

  1. Installation of fibreglass reinforced plastic (FRP) covers with a gas-seal design on the existing sedimentation tanks, flow channels and chambers;
  2. Installation of an air extraction system to collect foul gas within the covered tanks, channels and chambers; and
  3. Treatment of foul gas by "Biotrickling Filter" technology before discharge into open air. The "Biotrickling Filter" is a reliable and environmentally friendly biological odour removal technology with a low life-cycle cost and minimum operation and maintenance requirements. It can remove 99 per cent or more of hydrogen sulphide gas (H2S), the main source of odour in STW, for effective odour control.
Covered Sedimentation Tanks
Biotrickling Filter


[Executive Summary] [Traditional Chinese Version] [Simplified Chinese Version] [Graphical Version] [Independent Assurance Opinion Statements] [Feedback] [Key Statistics and Data] [GRI Content Index] [Sitemap]

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Our Core Responsibilities | Managing the Environment | Engaging the Community | Collaboration with Working Partners | Operation Efficiency | Caring Our Staff | Meeting the Targets |

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