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Care for Our Staff

Fully recognising that DSD’s advantage is built on our people, we have always prioritised resources to support staff development. We are committed to capacity building as a means to promote career and personal development of staff. At the same time, we also place great emphasis on providing a safe and pleasant working environment, as well as organising a variety of recreational activities at leisure time to bolster work-life balance.

Corner Corner
Dragon Boat Race

Dragon Boat Race

Staff Training and Development icon

In 2016-17, we organised a total of 674 training courses for our staff, including induction courses, in-house training, duty visits, overseas conferences, as well as seminars and workshops. Such diverse training is instrumental in enhancing professional skills and knowledge of the DSD team.

During the year, the average number of training hours per capita was 33.4, far exceeding the territory-wide average of 18.3 announced in the 2016 Training and Development Needs Survey published by the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management.

Average number of training hours per staff

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

To raise safety awareness and nurture a culture of safety amongst our staff, we organised and participated in a variety of OSH promotion drives, campaigns and incentive programmes.

  • 28 DSD projects participated in the Development Bureau's Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme 2016
  • 36 projects participated in the Construction Sites Housekeeping Award Scheme 2016 organised by DSD
  • Two safety talks were organised for DSD colleagues, site supervisory staff and representatives of contractors

Staff Training and Development icon

Corner Corner
DSD won the second runner-up in the interdepartmental basketball competition

DSD won the second runner-up in the interdepartmental basketball competition

2016 Shatin Dragon Boat Race

2016 Shatin Dragon Boat Race

Corner Corner
Hiking session

Hiking session

Annual Dinner

Annual Dinner