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Highlights of the Year

DSD has completed several significant projects which are now in full operations during the year, including the Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme and Solar Farm at Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works. We are committed to improving our drainage and sewage capacity and at the same time introducing innovative elements to our services, with the aim to seek a balance between urban development and environmental protection, so as to promote the sustainability development in Hong Kong and enhance the quality of life of the public. DSD staff has always been a tight-knit team that strategises and strives together, and that has enabled us to overcome every challenge. In this chapter, we are honoured to share our highlights in 2016-17.

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Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme

Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme

Commissioning Ceremony of Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme (HVUSSS)

On 16 March 2017, DSD held the Commissioning Ceremony of HVUSSS and announced the full commissioning of the 60,000 cubic metres (which is equivalent to the total volume of about 24 standard swimming pools) Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Tank. “Smart Drainage • Green Living” is the theme of the Commissioning Ceremony. “Smart Drainage” refers to the innovative design, featuring both of the Movable Weir for more effective stormwater storage and drainage and the largest groundwater and rainwater harvesting system in Hong Kong; “Green Living” refers to the green building designs and the provision of new leisure areas in HVUSSS. On one hand, the underground stormwater storage tank alleviates the flood risk and offers protection to the citizens; and on the other hand, the ancillary facilities above the tank offer a comfortable and relaxing zone for the public.

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Mr. Paul CHAN Mo-po (middle), Financial Secretary, Mr. Eric MA Siu-cheung (third right), then Secretary for Development and Mr. Edwin TONG Ka-hung (third left), Director of Drainage Services, officiated at the Commissioning Ceremony

Mr. Paul CHAN Mo-po (middle), Financial Secretary, Mr. Eric MA Siu-cheung (third right), then Secretary for Development and Mr. Edwin TONG Ka-hung (third left), Director of Drainage Services, officiated at the Commissioning Ceremony

The construction works for the Scheme commenced in 2012 comprising the construction of a stormwater storage tank underneath the Happy Valley Recreation Ground, a box culvert of about 650 metres long and a stormwater pump house with a peak flow rate of 1.5 cubic metres per second. It will serve as a storage tank to collect and temporarily store the runoff during heavy rainstorms to relieve the discharge load of the downstream drainage system and thereby alleviate flooding risks. The Scheme is divided into two phases. After the commissioning of the project, the flood protection level in Happy Valley and Wan Chai districts will be increased to withstand heavy rainstorms of a 1 in 50-year return period, safeguarding the lives and properties of citizens in the districts. This is also the first flood prevention project in Hong Kong to combine the use of Movable Weir and the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System. The Approved Project Estimates for the entire project is about $1.07 billion.

Full Commissioning of the Largest Solar Farm in Hong Kong

Being the largest of its kind in Hong Kong, the Solar Farm at Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works came into operation on 9 December 2016. The Solar Farm comprises over 4,200 polycrystalline photovoltaic panels occupied 11,000 square metres. It is anticipated that the Solar Farm can generate as much as 1.1 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 230 households. The renewable energy generated is fed to various facilities and systems inside the plant, including screening and sludge treatment facilities and a ultra-violet disinfection system etc., which is expected to reduce 770 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually.

To raise the public awareness of climate change, we held a commissioning ceremony on 9 December 2016 and invited more than 300 guests to witness the successful commencement of the Solar Farm. A tour was arranged for guests after the commissioning ceremony to further introduce the information of the Solar Farm.

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Aerial Photo of Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works

Aerial Photo of Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works

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Mr. WONG Kam-sing (middle), Secretary for the Environment, and Mr. Edwin TONG Ka-hung (second left), Director of Drainage Services, officiated at the commissioning ceremony

Mr. WONG Kam-sing (middle), Secretary for the Environment, and Mr. Edwin TONG Ka-hung (second left), Director of Drainage Services, officiated at the commissioning ceremony

Interaction between Mr. WONG Kam-sing (third left), Secretary for the Environment, Mr. Edwin TONG Ka-hung (forth right), Director of Drainage Services, and the students

Interaction between Mr. WONG Kam-sing (forth left), Secretary for the Environment, Mr. Edwin TONG Ka-hung (forth right), Director of Drainage Services, and the students

DSD Research & Development Forum 2016: Climate Ready@HK

On 8 November 2016, we organised the Research & Development Forum 2016: Climate Ready@HK at the Hong Kong Science Museum, attracting more than 500 local academics, professionals and industry representatives. The Forum invited industry leaders, professors, and professionals to deliver two thematic speeches on “Striving for Innovation in Sustainable Stormwater Drainage” and “Towards Sustainable Energy Utilisation in Sewage Treatment”. They shared their experiences in climate change, revitalising water bodies, sustainable drainage systems, and energy reduction initiatives in sewage treatment to foster collaboration and technological innovation in the industry.

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Mr. Edwin TONG Ka-hung, Director of Drainage Services, delivering a welcome speech

Mr. Edwin TONG Ka-hung, Director of Drainage Services, delivering a welcome speech

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Group photo of Mr. HON Chi-keung (sixth right), Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Mr. Edwin TONG Ka-hung (sixth left), Director of Drainage Services, Mr. MAK Ka-wai (fifth right), Deputy Director of Drainage Services, and speakers of the morning session

Group photo of Mr. HON Chi-keung (sixth right), Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Mr. Edwin TONG Ka-hung (sixth left), Director of Drainage Services, Mr. MAK Ka-wai (fifth right), Deputy Director of Drainage Services, and speakers of the morning session

Group photo of Ms. Christine LOH Kung-wai (fifth right), then Under Secretary for the Environment, Mr. Edwin TONG Ka-hung (sixth right), Director of Drainage Services, Mr. MAK Ka-wai (fourth right), Deputy Director of Drainage Services, and speakers of the afternoon session

Group photo of Ms. Christine LOH Kung-wai (fifth right), then Under Secretary for the Environment, Mr. Edwin TONG Ka-hung (sixth right), Director of Drainage Services, Mr. MAK Ka-wai (fourth right), Deputy Director of Drainage Services, and speakers of the afternoon session

Awards and Honours 2016

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19 April 2016

Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) Stage 2A and EPD’s sludge treatment facility T. PARK jointly won the distinction award in the category of Wastewater Project of the Year at the Global Water Awards 2016

28 April 2016

Won the New Engineering Contract (NEC) Client of the Year award from the United Kingdom's (UK) NEC Users' Group

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26 August 2016

Ms. Stephanie POON Mo-yu (first right), Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, received The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers / Researchers 2016

August 2016

DSD Sustainability Report 2014-15 received a number of awards, including:

Vision Awards


2015 Vision Awards

Gold Award in the category of Sustainability Report

Top 50 Chinese Sustainability Reports of 2015

Top 80 Sustainability Reports in the Asia-Pacific Region


League of American Communications Professionals LLC

Inspire Awards

2015 Inspire Awards

Silver Award

Top 25 Corporate Publishing Materials of 2015

League of American Communications Professionals LLC

International ARC Awards

2016 International ARC Awards

Bronze Award (Specialized Annual Report:
Combined Annual and Sustainability Report)

MerComm, Inc.

APEX Awards for Publication Excellence

2016 APEX Awards for Publication Excellence

Awards of Excellence (Electronic Media - Green)

Communications Concepts, Inc.

HKMA Best Annual Reports Awards

2016 HKMA Best Annual Reports Awards

Sustainability Reporting Award

The Hong Kong Management Association

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28 September 2016

“Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works (SWHSTW) – Further Expansion Phases 1A and 1B” and “Adoption of Knowledge-based BIM for E&M Asset Management Supplemented with Mobile Technology – A Case Study in Public Sewage Pumping Facilities”, were selected as two out of the five award winners of “Autodesk Hong Kong BIM Awards 2016”

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27 October 2016

Mr. Robin LEE Hong-nin (first right), then Senior Engineer, and Mr. Henry YU Wai-cheong (first left), Engineer, received awards in The Ombudsman's Awards 2016

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22 November 2016

“Eco-hydraulics Study on Green Channels” and the “Research, Planning and Promotion of Sustainable Drainage System for Climate Change and Flood Resilience in Built Environment”, were granted the Silver Award of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects (HKILA) Landscape Awards 2016 and the Merit Award of the Green Building Award 2016

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13 December 2016

“Provision of Interception Facilities at Jordan Valley Box Culvert – Pumping Station” and the “Shek Chung Au Sewage Pumping Station” were awarded the Final Platinum rating and Provisional Platinum rating under BEAM Plus respectively

Awards and Honours 2017

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17 March 2017

Mr. Vincent LEUNG Chi-to (first right), Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, received The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers' Young Engineer of the Year Award 2017 Certificate of Merit

10-19 March 2017

DSD's exhibit “Blossoms of Love - Wetland” was awarded the Grand Award for Design Excellence (Landscape Display) in the Hong Kong Flower Show 2017