Stage 1 Public Engagement

Stage 1 Public Engagement (PE) was conducted from December 2015 to February 2016, to collect opinions from local stakeholders and the public regarding the relocation of SmTSTW and possible uses of the released site. PE activities included roving exhibitions, briefing sessions and community workshop.

Public views collected in the PE helped study team to envision the preliminary planning of the released site and the outline design of the relocated SmTSTW.

Major Views and Responses in Stage 1 Public Engagement

The need of the relocation of SmTSTW
  • General agreement on the benefits of relocating Not-in-my-back-yard facility to cavern
  • Concern about the appropriateness of relocation and the cost effectiveness, noting that the SmTSTW is relatively new

In general, the electrical and mechanical equipment in the sewage treatment works should be replaced after the typical lifespan of 15 to 20 years , depending on the quality of the sewage and the operation and maintenance of the facilities . SmTSTW has been operating since 2004, it is anticipated that by the time when the demolition work of existing SmTSTW commence, the replacement of electrical and mechanical facilities would be necessary. Furthermore, taking the opportunity of relocation, the capacity of the STW could be increased to cope with the future development needs in Sham Tseng area.

Impact of the construction
  • Concern about the traffic impact during construction
  • Concern about the environmental impact during construction, such as noise and air pollution, which may affect the health of residents
  • Concern about the vibration impact to nearby buildings during the explosive blasting

Preliminary traffic impact assessment reveals that the traffic impact from construction vehicles would be mild.

It is suggested to use quieter motorised equipment to reduce potential noise impact and implement proper dust control and environmental monitoring during the construction stage.

Blasting assessment will be conducted to ensure the safety of the buildings and slopes nearby.

Land use of the released site
  • Request for more Government, Institution and Community facilities
  • Worry that housing development would cause an increase in population and hence burden on traffic
  • Worry about the visual impact from housing development on existing buildings

GIC facilities have been included in the proposed schemes, including community hall, day care centre for the elderly and residential homes for the elderly.

Preliminary traffic impact assessment showed that major roads and junctions could handle the traffic flow derived from future development. Further traffic studies will be conducted to minimise the traffic impact during construction.

The future development will adopt stepped height profile to integrate with the landscape in the surroundings.

Download Links*

Download Stage 1 PE Digest

Download Stage 1 PE Leaflet

Download Stage 1 PE Poster

Download Stage 1 PE Report

*Remark: Digest, leaflet, poster and report in English and Traditional Chinese version only.

Stage 1 Public Engagement (PE)

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