Stage 2 Public Engagement

Stage 2 Public Engagement (PE) was conducted from March to April 2017, to report the findings of Stage 1 PE, introduce the preliminary land use proposals of the released site and collect further views and/or comments from the public.

In order to collect views and suggestions from the pulic, a series of PE activities including roving exhibition, site visit, focus group meetings and a public forum were conducted. 

Public views and suggestions on the SmTSTW relocation project, as well as the preliminary land use proposals of the released site were collected to facilitate the planning and design in the Investigation, Design & Construction stage.

Major Views and Responses in Stage 2 Public Engagement

Cost Effectiveness of the relocation of SmTSTW
  • Concern about the cost effectiveness of the relocation of the existing SmTSTW as it started its operation only in 2004

SmSTW operated since 2004, it is anticipated that by the time when the demolition works of existing SmTSTW commence, the replacement of electrical and mechanical facilities would be necessary. Furthermore, taking the opportunity of relocation, the wastewater treatment level could be upgraded from Level I to secondary treatment and the capacity of the SmTSTW could be increased to 24,000m³ per day to cope with the future development needs in the Sham Tseng area.

Geotechnical/ Blasting Impact
  • Concern on safety, whether the existing structures or slopes would be damaged by the vibrating induced during blasting

Before the commencement of works, the existing structures and slopes within the potentially affected area would be inspected by competent structural engineers and geotechnical engineers respectively to examine the conditions of the structures and slopes. The amount of explosives to be used will be assessed according to the conditions of the existing structure and slopes. Blast monitoring for measuring vibration level will be conducted during the course of cavern construction with the aim to ensure no adverse effect would be caused.

Environmental and Traffic Impacts
  • Concern on air quality during blasting within the district
  • Concern on noise impact during blasting
  • Concern on visual impact after construction of new buildings at the released site
  • Concern whether the traffic burden of the district would be increased by the residential development

There would be dust control and sprinkling of water to keep the site clean and the dust caused by blasting would be controlled within the blasting door.

Blasting would be carried out in the sealed blasting door for not over 30 seconds, and hence the noise impact would be minimised.

The proposed height of the new building is subject to various factors, the maximum building height of the proposed schemes is 120m. The buildings in the coastal area would be designed in stepped height to harmonise with the surrounding building.

Preliminary traffic impact assessment showed that the effect of development traffic on key junctions in the area would be minor. Further traffic studies will be conducted in later stage to incorporate the updated traffic condition and the nearby land use.

Download Links*


Download Stage 2 PE Digest

Download Stage 2 PE Leaflet

Download Stage 2 PE Poster

Download Stage 2 PE Report

*Remark: Digest, leaflet, poster and report in English and Traditional Chinese version only.

Stage 2 Public Engagement

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