2019年香港花卉展览-渠务署展出「愿」 获得最佳设计(园林景点)金奖


今届香港花卉展览于3月15日至24日在维多利亚公园举行,渠务署展区 「愿」获得最佳设计(园林景点)金奖。展区的园景设计灵感来自香港的天然岩石地貌,藉以连系即将迁入岩洞的渠务设施。设计借用岩洞、岩石的天然形态,以抽象手法将户外的叠石花园和弯弯曲曲的岩洞走廊塑造成富现代感的展览场地。展区结合星空、月亮及观天等元素以凸显主题-大红花说愿。际此渠务署成立30周年,具雕塑感的岩洞走廊化身时光隧道,与市民回顾渠务署过去的发展,抚今追昔,展望将来。


The Assistant Director / Projects and Development of DSD, Mr WONG Sui-kan (second right) and the Managing Director of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited, Mr KUNG Wing-chuen (second left), attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

The Assistant Director / Projects and Development of DSD, Mr WONG Sui-kan (second right) and the Managing Director of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited, Mr KUNG Wing-chuen (second left), attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

The Assistant Director / Projects and Development of DSD, Mr WONG Sui-kan (second right) and the Managing Director of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited, Mr KUNG Wing-chuen (second left), attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

The Assistant Director / Projects and Development of DSD, Mr WONG Sui-kan (second right) and the Managing Director of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited, Mr KUNG Wing-chuen (second left), attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

The Assistant Director / Projects and Development of DSD, Mr WONG Sui-kan (second right) and the Managing Director of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited, Mr KUNG Wing-chuen (second left), attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

The Assistant Director / Projects and Development of DSD, Mr WONG Sui-kan (second right) and the Managing Director of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited, Mr KUNG Wing-chuen (second left), attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

The Assistant Director / Projects and Development of DSD, Mr WONG Sui-kan (second right) and the Managing Director of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited, Mr KUNG Wing-chuen (second left), attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

The Assistant Director / Projects and Development of DSD, Mr WONG Sui-kan (second right) and the Managing Director of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited, Mr KUNG Wing-chuen (second left), attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

The Assistant Director / Projects and Development of DSD, Mr WONG Sui-kan (second right) and the Managing Director of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited, Mr KUNG Wing-chuen (second left), attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

The Assistant Director / Projects and Development of DSD, Mr WONG Sui-kan (second right) and the Managing Director of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited, Mr KUNG Wing-chuen (second left), attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

The Assistant Director / Projects and Development of DSD, Mr WONG Sui-kan (second right) and the Managing Director of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited, Mr KUNG Wing-chuen (second left), attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

The Assistant Director / Projects and Development of DSD, Mr WONG Sui-kan (second right) and the Managing Director of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited, Mr KUNG Wing-chuen (second left), attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

The Assistant Director / Projects and Development of DSD, Mr WONG Sui-kan (second right) and the Managing Director of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited, Mr KUNG Wing-chuen (second left), attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony
