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Home | Director's Statement | About this Report | River Revitalisation for the Good of Water | Highlights of the Year | Governance Approach | Our Core Responsibilities | Environmental Management | Caring for Our Staff | Media Engagement Activities | Stakeholder Engagement Activities |
The media is our important partner in disseminating news and communicating with the public. During the year, apart from continuing to hold media briefings and attend interviews, we participated in informative programmes organised by media to brief and share the projects that are of public concern, striving to enhance the Department’s image and deepen the public's understanding of our work. Key media activities in the year are highlighted in this chapter, including exchanges between the management and media, media interviews on DSD projects, work, and staff, as well as TV and radio informative programmes.
Mar 2018
On 27 March 2018, DSD held the Annual Media Briefing to brief the media about the latest situation of its flood prevention and sewage treatment. A media tour to the Kai Tak River Improvement Works that was completed in 2018 was also arranged.
May 2017
On 2 May 2017, Ming Pao, Sing Tao Daily, South China Morning Post, Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po interviewed Mr. KAN Hon-shing, Chief Engineer, and Mr. CHAN Hak-keung, Senior Engineer, regarding the Revitalisation of Tsui Ping River project. The interview was published on 8 May 2017.
Feb 2018
On 9 February 2018, Oriental Daily interviewed Mr. Barry NG Ka-wing, Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, at STSTW about DSD’s applications of renewable energy, including biogas and solar energy. The interview was published on 4 March 2018.
Mr. Barry NG, Electrical and Mechanical Engineer (right), presenting the renewable energies used by DSD and showing sludge used in the generation of electricity by biogas
Jul 2017
On 7 July 2017, Apple Daily, HK01, Ming Pao, Oriental Daily, Sing Pao, Sing Tao Daily, South China Morning Post, Tai Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po conducted an interview with Ms. CHU Wun-chau, our first ever female Leading Sewerman. Ms. CHU shared her work experience as well as the major duties of Direct Labour Force in DSD. The articles were published on 17 July 2017.
Ms. CHU Wun-chau, female Leading Sewerman, demonstrating drain cleansing with rattan tool
Feb 2018
On 23 February 2018, Mr. FUNG Chun-kong, Engineer, gave an interview to Ming Pao about his job duties at DSD and the challenges encountered during the implementation of projects. He also shared his experience in becoming an engineer. The interview was published on 13 March 2018.
Mr. FUNG Chun-kong, Engineer (left), outlining his job duties in DSD, including preparation for the opening ceremony of Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Tank
Apr 2018
On 22 April 2017, "Climate Watcher", an informative programme broadcast by Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) Radio 1, interviewed Mr. HO Yiu-kwong, then Chief Engineer, on DSD’s works in combating climate change to understand DSD’s flood prevention strategies including flood interception, flood storage and drainage improvement as well as the sustainable concept of Sponge City. The interview was aired on the same day.
Mr. HO Yiu-kwong, then Chief Engineer (centre), explaining DSD’s strategies in combating climate change
Sep 2018
On 13 September 2017, the "Scoop" programme crew visited and filmed the HVUSSS site to get a full picture of its operation. The interview was broadcast on 4 October 2017.
Ms. Priscilla YUEN Pui-shan, Engineer (right), explaining the operation of HVUSSS
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Home | Director's Statement | About this Report | River Revitalisation for the Good of Water | Highlights of the Year | Governance Approach | Our Core Responsibilities | Environmental Management | Caring for Our Staff | Media Engagement Activities | Stakeholder Engagement Activities |
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