2015-16 has been an unforgettable year, as we celebrate a sparkling milestone for the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) along with multiple construction projects which have garnered international accolades. DSD staff has always been a tight-knit team that strategises and strives together, and that has enabled us to overcome every challenge as we do our part in Hong Kong’s sustainable development. In this chapter, we are honoured to share the following highlights at DSD during the past year.

20 April 2015
Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme received the “Highly Commended New Engineering Contract (NEC) Large Project of the Year” award from the UK's NEC Users' Group

2 July 2015
"Building our Kai Tak River” Writing Competition 2015 concluded successfully, with a total of 85 entries
16 July 2015
First runner-up (overall) in the “Practical Competition” and first runner-up in the “Building Information Modelling (Infrastructure) Competition - Process Plant Category” in the “Utility Safety Competitions 2014/15”
20 July 2015
Five accolades for DSD’s Sustainability Report 2013-14 at APEX 2015 Awards, and 2013/14 Inspire Awards and 2013/14 Vision Awards by League of American Communications Professionals LLC (LACP)
23 July 2015
“Submarine rules” and “Abyss sewers”: two-episode premiere for TV series Beneath, co-produced by DSD & RTHK, were broadcast on 23 and 30 July respectively

4 September 2015
DSD won Silver Prize under “Team Award (Specialised Service) category” and Special Citation (Integrity Management) under “Team Award (General Public Service) category” in Civil Service Outstanding Service Award Scheme 2015

3 November 2015
Two DSD engineers won Awards for Officers of Public Organisations in The Ombudsman's Awards 2015
7 November 2015
DSD’s Sustainability Report 2013-14 won “Sustainability Reporting Award: Non-profit Making and Charitable Organizations Category” at the 2015 HKMA Best Annual Reports Awards

3 December 2015
Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to caverns received “Sustainable Use of Underground Space Category” award from British engineering magazine

15 January 2016
Administration Building of Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works received “Excellent Class” Indoor Air Quality Certificate

11-20 March 2016
DSD exhibited “Stream Theatre” at Hong Kong Flower Show 2016, winning the Grand Award for Design Excellence (Landscape Display)