Proposed Relocation Site

Proposed Relocation Site (Tsiu Hang)

When conducting the review of the proposed relocation site, the consultant has identified and compared four locations which are suitable for cavern construction near the existing SKSTW, including Tai Wan, Pak Kong, Tai Chung Hau and Tsiu Hang.

The Consultant has considered several elements including geology, impact to existing sewerage system, land status, impact to the surrounding environment and traffic impact in the vicinity during the re-confirmation review. Although some of the study area is located within Tsiu Hang Special Area which is protected by the “Country Parks Ordinance”,  the consultant has confirmed that Tsiu Hang is the most suitable site for the relocation of the SKSTW after review and considering that the construction of cavern would be implemented underground and outside the Tsiu Hang Special Area. Drainage Services Department (DSD) and the appointed consultant will seek comments from the relevant Government Departments and parties in order to provide a plan which is profitable for all parties.

Proposed Relocation Site (Tsui Hang)

Tsiu Hang has the following favourable conditions:


The geology of this area is revealed as strong to very strong volcanic rock with very close to closely spaced joints. Rockhead is indicated at approximately 10m to 20m below ground level which is suitable for cavern construction.

Impact on Existing Sewerage System

The selected site is located in the proximity of the existing SKSTW and effluent export tunnel. As such, relocating the SKSTW to this area will minimize the effect on the upstream sewerage and the downstream disposal network, thereby minimizing the disturbance to the whole Sai Kung District, reducing the construction and operation costs and shortening the construction period.

Land Status

As majority of the area belongs to government land, the relocation project does not involve large extent of private land resumption.

Impact on Surrounding Environment

The overall community and environment will be enhanced after relocation of the SKSTW.

Impact on Nearby Traffic Network

With appropriate measures, the traffic impact due to the relocation of the SKSTW could be minimized.

Tsiu Hang has the following favourable conditions

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