Reporting to Harbourfront Commission and Task Force on Kai Tak Harbourfront Development

The Drainage Services Department, the project team and the design team attended the Harbourfront Commission meeting on 28th January 2021 and 14th April 2021 to update and report the project progress to the committee members and to obtain their views (such as the theme, layout, play and recreational facilities to be provided etc.) on the project.

In the meeting, DSD introduced the recreational experiences that the five thematic zones in the park will offer to the citizens, such as the amphitheater, the toddler paradise, the treehouse, the water-play area and the elderly fitness area. DSD has been actively collecting public opinions on the design of the landscaped deck through different channels, and dedicating to create more greening areas for public enjoyment. Through our communication with different stakeholders, DSD acknowledged the public's desire for shelters and seating areas. DSD paid significant efforts to increase the greening area on the landscaped deck by more than 30% so as to maximize the natural recreational area for the public and at the same time enhance the air quality of Kwun Tong District.

In terms of the planting concept, DSD hopes to create a natural environment that users will immerse in while enjoying the facilities on the landscaped deck. Our landscape architect selected a total of 78 different plants species with more than the half were "native tree species". Rich color plants that change color seasonally were chosen to attract birds and insects, as well as to raise the public’s awareness on local conservation.

DSD deliberately made reference to the planting design of the recreational facilities nearby, such as the Laguna Park and Tsui Ping River Garden to ensure the newly constructed landscaped deck could blend into the surrounding environment and create a “connected" feel with the existing space.

Apart from the landscaped deck design, DSD also briefed the members on the proposed cross-river walkway and the pedestrian crossing facilities to be constructed (under the project of the Revitalization of Tsui Ping River). These upgrading works along the Tsui Ping River would strengthen the connectivity of the landscaped deck between Kwun Tong CBD and the entire Kai Tak area development, which in turn facilitate the public to access to this landscaped deck.

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