Environmental protection is our priority concern. We completed the air, noise and water environmental baseline monitoring for the subsequent implementation of effective environmental mitigation measures including erection of noise barriers, installation of wheel washing facilities and use of quiet machinery. In order to ensure the measures are properly implemented, our environmental team and independent environmental checker would carry out monthly surprise checks and advise immediate rectifications, if necessary. We would ensure the site tidiness and prevent mosquito breeding.

The purpose of this Environmental Monitoring is to ensure compliance with the recommendations made from the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study. Also, this will assess the effectiveness of the recommended mitigation measures and identify any further need for additional mitigation measures or remedial action.

During the construction phases, the environmental monitoring and audit programme includes air quality, noise, water quality, waste management, fisheries, ecology and cultural heritage. The monitoring will be managed by the Contractor, the Supervising Officer’s Representative, Independent Environmental Checker and Environmental Team.

Automatic Wheel Washing Machine

Prevention of mosquito breeding

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