In order to improve the drainage capacity of Kai Tak River and to mitigate flooding risk to surrounding areas, the Drainage Services Department is carrying out improvement works at the upstream and midstream sections of Kai Tak River. The drainage improvement works have been substantially completed in April this year. This Newsletter provides you with information on latest progress of the main construction and other relevant information of the projects.

Updated News

All works in midstream section have been completed. Apart from enhancing the drainage capacity by deepening the river bed, we also introduced various greening and ecological elements into the river.

All works in midstream section have been completed. Apart from enhancing the drainage capacity by deepening the river bed, we also introduced various greening and ecological elements into the river.









Works Progress for upstream section

Construction of Box Culvert

The construction of the whole 400m (approx.) long box culvert from Wong Tai Sin Police Station to Tung Tau (II) Estate has been completed. In addition, river deepening works have been substantially completed. After the reconstruction of Kai Tak River, its drainage capacity has been greatly improved. We are currently constructing artificial rock and planting various species of shrubs along the river bank. With the completion of the box culvert, we have commenced the reconstruction of Choi Hung Road and its road drainage improvement works.

Construction of Box Culvert

After the completion of improvement works, the drainage capacity of Kai Tak River has been greatly improved, while the drainage capacities at the bottlenecks (i.e. junctions at Shatin Pass Road and Tai Shing Street) have been increased by more than 100%. Flood risk to nearby areas is thus significantly reduced.

After the completion of improvement works, the drainage capacity of Kai Tak River has been greatly improved, while the drainage capacities at the bottlenecks (i.e. junctions at Shatin Pass Road and Tai Shing Street) have been increased by more than 100%. Flood risk to nearby areas is thus significantly reduced.

Viewing Platform

Preliminary design

Preliminary design

We will construct a viewing platform at Choi Hung Road near Tung Tau (II) Estate to allow people to enjoy the view of the revitalized Kai Tak River. The viewing platform will adopt a distinctive landscape design with various greening elements. A featured shelter, supported by two arches with shapes representing the old and existing alignments of Kai Tak River, will also be provided.

Greening and Landscaping Elements 

We introduced various green elements into the river by planting a variety of plants along roadside planters, artificial rock planters and submerged planter. In spring this year, red flowers of Bougainvillea spectabilis were blooming alongside the river. The climbers at river bank and submerged plants at river bed are also growing very well. We are currently carrying out the remaining beautification works near Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate.

We introduced various green elements into the river by planting a variety of plants along roadside planters, artificial rock planters and submerged planter. In spring this year, red flowers of Bougainvillea spectabilis were blooming alongside the river. The climbers at river bank and submerged plants at river bed are also growing very well. We are currently carrying out the remaining beautification works near Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate.

We introduced various green elements into the river by planting a variety of plants along roadside planters, artificial rock planters and submerged planter. In spring this year, red flowers of Bougainvillea spectabilis were blooming alongside the river. The climbers at river bank and submerged plants at river bed are also growing very well. We are currently carrying out the remaining beautification works near Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate.

We introduced various green elements into the river by planting a variety of plants along roadside planters, artificial rock planters and submerged planter. In spring this year, red flowers of Bougainvillea spectabilis were blooming alongside the river. The climbers at river bank and submerged plants at river bed are also growing very well. We are currently carrying out the remaining beautification works near Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate.

Public Relations

We continue to maintain close relationship with the public and local stakeholders to keep them abreast of information about the projects.

The Drainage Services Department (DSD) held the Annual Media Briefing on 27 March to introduce the latest situation of DSD’s work on flood prevention and sewage treatment to media and led a visit to Kai Tak River after the Briefing.

The Drainage Services Department (DSD) held the Annual Media Briefing on 27 March to introduce the latest situation of DSD’s work on flood prevention and sewage treatment to media and led a visit to Kai Tak River after the Briefing.

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