Welcome to DSD’s Newsletter for Kai Tak River improvement projects. In order to improve the drainage capacity of the Kai Tak River and to mitigate flooding risk to surrounding areas, DSD is carrying out improvement works at upstream and midstream sections of the Kai Tak River. The improvement works at these sections of the Kai Tak River commenced in October 2011 and December 2013 respectively, for completion in 2017. This Newsletter provides you with latest progress of main construction works, recent public liaison activities and other relevant information of the projects.

Works Progress

Diversion of pedestrian walkway near Kei Tak Primary School completed in early September 2014

Diversion of pedestrian walkway near Kei Tak Primary School completed in early September 2014

Watermain works at Chun Yan Street near Wong Tai Sin Police Station completed in September 2014

Watermain works at Chun Yan Street near Wong Tai Sin Police Station completed in September 2014

Box culvert construction (Shatin Pass Road to Tai Shing Street)

Box culvert construction (Shatin Pass Road to Tai Shing Street)

Piling works (fronting Tung Kwong Road)

Piling works (fronting Tung Kwong Road)

Piling works (fronting Tung Kwong Road)

Preparation for piling works (Tung Lung Road Footbridge to Lok Sin Road Bridge)

Preparation for piling works (Tung Lung Road Footbridge to Lok Sin Road Bridge)


Interim Measures to Improve Drainage Capacity

Removal of existing pipes and some public utilities located at bottle neck of the river



Existing condition

Existing condition

Removal of 2 cross river sewers fronting Tung Tau (II) Estate



Existing condition

Existing condition

Additional drain pipes at road side to drain away the surface runoff quickly

Additional drain pipes

Additional drain pipes

Additional drain pipes

Construction of more gullies at suitable locations along Choi Hung Road

Additional gullies

Additional gullies

Regular clearing existing gullies along Choi Hung Road and adjacent streets such as Yin Hing Street

Regular clearing existing gullies along Choi Hung Road and adjacent streets such as Yin Hing Street

Temporary Traffic Arrangement

To facilitate the reconstruction of the Kai Tak River, the following temporary traffic arrangements will be implemented shortly.

1.    To facilitate the watermain works, temporary traffic arrangement at Chun Yan Street near Wong Tai Sin Police Station will be implemented by end 2014

To facilitate the watermain works, temporary traffic arrangement at Chun Yan Street near Wong Tai Sin Police Station will be implemented by end 2014

To facilitate the watermain works, temporary traffic arrangement at Chun Yan Street near Wong Tai Sin Police Station will be implemented by end 2014

2.    To facilitate the box culvert construction, taxi stand at Yin Hing Street will be temporarily suspended and converted to a public loading /unloading bay by end 2014.

To facilitate the box culvert construction, taxi stand at Yin Hing Street will be temporarily suspended and converted to a public loading /unloading bay by end 2014.

To facilitate the box culvert construction, taxi stand at Yin Hing Street will be temporarily suspended and converted to a public loading /unloading bay by end 2014.

3.    To facilitate the box culvert construction, diversion of pedestrian walkway fronting Wong Tai Sin Police Station will be implemented from early 2015 to end 2016 tentatively.

To facilitate the box culvert construction, diversion of pedestrian walkway fronting Wong Tai Sin Police Station will be implemented from early 2015 to end 2016 tentatively.

4.    Then, banning left turn from Choi Hung Road northbound to Shatin Pass Road for vehicles with length over 7m will be implemented from early 2015 to early 2016 tentatively.

Then, banning left turn from Choi Hung Road northbound to Shatin Pass Road for vehicles with length over 7m will be implemented from early 2015 to early 2016 tentatively.

Public Relations

We continue to maintain liaisons with the public and local stakeholders to keep them abreast of updated information of the projects.

1.    D.I.Y. Mosquito Trap Workshops
We jointly held D.I.Y. Mosquito Trap Workshops with Wong Tai Sin District Council Members. We also presented the background and works progress of the Kai Tak River improvement projects.

D.I.Y. Mosquito Trap Workshops

D.I.Y. Mosquito Trap Workshops

2.    Temporary Lighting Facilities

Temporary lighting facilities installed along Tung Lung Road footbridge.

Temporary Lighting Facilities

3.    TVB “A Closer Look” Interview

The representative of DSD was interviewed by TVB “A Closer Look” program in September 2014 about the Kai Tak River improvement projects.

TVB “A Closer Look” Interview

4.    DSD 25th Anniversary Activity

To celebrate DSD’s 25th anniversary, a series of public guided tours were organized, including site visits to the Kai Tak River improvement projects on 15 August 2014 and 20 September 2014.

DSD 25th Anniversary Activity

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