
Greening Elements

To revitalize Kai Tak River, various planting species such as Lpomoea pes-caprae, Crinum asiaticum, Ficus pumila, Clerodendrum inerme, etc. will be planted at the suitable location along the river. Clerodendrum inerme is heat- and wind-tolerant and has beautiful fragrant white flowers that can attract adult butterflies including Pachliopta aristolochiae. Its leaves can also provide food for larvae of Junonia orithya. Moreover, draping plants such as Bougainvillea spectabilis will also be planted in roadside planters along the river. Bougainvillea spectabilis usually blossoms twice a year (in Spring and Autumn). Its vivid flowers can revitalize the river walls and create a unique and aesthetic view for Kai Tak River.

Lpomoea pes-caprae

Lpomoea pes-caprae

Crinum asiaticum

Crinum asiaticum

Clerodendrum inerme

Clerodendrum inerme

Scaevola taccada

Parthenocissus dalzielii

Imitated Rock

Imitated Rock

To simulate the ‘natural bedrock’ in the new Kai Tak river, imitated rock made of Glass Fiber Reinforced Cement is adopted. The biggest advantage of using imitated rock is its ability to create hidden soil pockets to support plant growth. Through this way, Kai Tak river can be transformed into an attractive scenic spot in the city.


Birds and Fishes

There was improvement in the water quality of Kai Tak River during recent years. Fishes and birds can now be easily seen along Kai Tak River. According to an ecological survey, 7 kinds of fishes and 28 kinds of birds can be found in the vicinity of Kai Tak River.

  • Fishes: Gerres filamentosus, Coilia ectenes, Mugil cephalus, Mozambique tilapia, Poecilia reticulate, Scatophagus argus and Terapon jarbua
  • Birds: Egretta garzetta, Nycticorax nycticorax, Milvus migrans, Columba livia, Streptopelia chinensis, Eudynamys scolopacea, Alcedo atthis, Halcyon smyrnensis, Hirundo rustica, Motacilla cinerea, Motacilla alba, Pycnonotus jocosus, Pycnonotus sinensis, Copsychus saularis, Myophonus caeruleus, Turdus merula, Garrulax perspicillatus, Phylloscopus inornatus, Muscicapa latirostris, Parus major, Zosterops japonicas, Lonchura striata, Passer montanus, Gracupica nigricollis, Acridciheres cristatellus, Corvus macrorhynchos, Cyanopica cyana, Corvus splendens and Ardea alba
Nycticorax nycticorax

Nycticorax nycticorax

Poecilia reticulata

Clerodendrum inerme

Egretta garzetta

Egretta garzetta

Ardea alba

Ardea alba

Halcyon smyrnensis

Halcyon smyrnensis

Ardea alba

Ardea alba

Nycticorax nycticorax

Nycticorax nycticorax

Mugil cephalus

Mugil cephalus


Ecological Elements

We will adopt suitable ecological elements of natural river in the design of Kai Tak River to improve microhabitats and promote biodiversity. Fish shelters were added at the sides of river bed and flow deflectors formed by artificial rocks were added at suitable locations to induce variations in river flow direction and velocity. These measures can provide refuge for fish in strong river flow, which enables the sustainable development of Kai Tak River.


Environmental Protection

During construction, we have paid particular attention on environmental protection. Different measures were implemented to mitigate potential disturbance to the environment due to the works. Some examples of the measures being implemented in the project are shown below:


Installation of canvas for dust control

Installation of canvas for dust control

Water spraying for dust control during concrete breaking works

Water spraying for dust control during concrete breaking works

Provision of dust enclosure with ventilation for air polution control during shotcreting works

Provision of dust enclosure with ventilation for air polution control during shotcreting works

Air quality monitoring

Air quality monitoring


Erection of noise barrier on site to minimize noise impact

Erection of noise barrier on site to minimize noise impact

Regular noise monitoring

Regular noise monitoring

Installation of sound proof canvas around working area to reduce noise impact to public

Installation of sound proof canvas around working area to reduce noise impact to public

Provision of noise insulating cover to minimize noise impact by generator

Provision of noise insulating cover to minimize noise impact by generator


Installation of mud trap to prevent muddy water from contaminating the river stream

Installation of mud trap to prevent muddy water from contaminating the river stream

Installation of silt curtain

Installation of silt curtain

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