Safety, Environment & Sustainability


Temporary Traffic Arrangement (TTA)

During construction, vehicular entrance and exit, pedestrain access and pedestrian crossing facilities are maintained in good condition.

Relevant notice for the public would contained the details of closure of footways, tracks and vehicle access; details of traffic diversions, pedestrian routes or jogging trail diversions corresponding to different staging shall be included.


Protection to trees

  1. Fencing and notice erected around trees

  1. Tree Inspections


Protection to heritages

(1) Victoria City Boundary Stone at Wong Nai Chung Road
Historical Victoria City Boundary Stone Barriers erected to protect the Victoria City Boundary Stone throughout the construction period.
(2) St. Paul's Primary Catholic School at Wong Nai Chung Road
St. Paul's Primary Catholic School Monumental Building of St. Paul’s Primary Catholic School
Condition survey for the monumental Building of St. Paul’s Primary Catholic School  


Monitoring to Noise and Air

  • We would ensure all dump trucks are with mechanical covers.
  • Noise shield and low noise-level device are used.
  • We would also monitor the air quaility, and noise level in the area near to the construction site.


Nuisance Mitigation Measures (Environmental)

  1. Conveyor Belt Enclosure at Wong Nai Chung Road

  1. Using muffler measure to minimize the noise level that generated by excavator

  1. Conduct regular noise monitoring survey to monitor the noise level in the neighborhood of the construction site

  1. Adopt regular anti-mosquito measure to prevent mosquito breeding


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