2019 HK SciFest – Scientific Talk and Visit to DSD facilities
2 May 2019
To match with the theme of “HK SciFest” – STEM, meaning Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, DSD arranged a science talk and visits to DSD facilities in April to support this event.
On 13 and 28 April 2019, participants visited our Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Tank and Stanley Sewage Treatment Works respectively. Apart from introducing the mission of flood prevention and sewage treatment, DSD colleagues also introduced the equipment and the operation of different drainage and sewage facilities to the visitors.
Besides, our Engineer, Ms LEE Ching Man, Joy, delivered a science talk at Hong Kong Science Museum with the theme "Adapting to Climate Change – Blue-green Infrastructure Concept" on 20 April, introducing how DSD incorporates the innovative elements into drainage and sewage facilities in order to optimize water recycling across the city and enhance the flood resilience level of Hong Kong for adapting to climate change and creating a livable and sustainable environment.
DSD Engineer introduced the operation of Stanley Sewage Treatment Works to the visitors
The participants visited the Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Tank
DSD Engineer, Ms LEE Ching Man, Joy, introduced how DSD tackles the impact of climate change in the science talk