DSD Annual Media Briefing 2019
28 March 2019
DSD held the Annual Media Briefing on 28 March to brief the media the latest situation on DSD’s major works and led a visit to Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works (SCISTW) to introduce the Enhancement Works of Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS). Mr Lo Kwok-wah, the Director of Drainage Services, introduced 7 Storm Surge spots and 3 Overtopping Wave Spots set for the combat of climate change. Demountable flood barriers were installed and storm surge alert system was set up at designated spots to protect the citizens. He also reviewed DSD’s major projects in past year, including the Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns and Inter-reservoirs Transfer Scheme. In response to the regional development and public expectations on continuous improvement of our environment, Mr LO stated DSD has been actively planning the upgrade of Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works to Shek Wu Hui Effluent Polishing Plant by not only increasing the treatment capacity to 190 000 m3 per day and upgrading the sewage treatment level to the highest - tertiary standard, but also adopting the concept of “Land Co-use” by opening some areas to the public. Exploring renewable energy to protect the environment is also one of the objectives set by DSD, Mr LO announced that DSD would have a “Food Waste and Sewage Sludge Anaerobic Co-digestion Pilot Trial” at the Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works this year, expecting the increase of biogas produced from anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge and food waste which will further generate electricity and heat energy by the Combined heat and power generating system. After the Briefing, Mr LO led the media to visit the SCISTW and introduced the Enhancement Works of HATS, including the construction of interconnection tunnel and the replacement of penstocks at Main Pumping Station, for enhancing the performance of SCISTW. Mr Lo Kwok-wah, the Director of Drainage Services, briefed the media on our works Mr LO introduced the Enhancement Works of HATS to the media |