DSD awarded Agreement No. CE 41/2018 (DS) “Drainage Improvement Works in Tsim Sha Tsui – Investigation, Design and Construction”
29 March 2019
The Drainage Services Department signed an approximate $10 million consultancy agreement on 29 March 2019 with Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited for undertaking the investigation, design and construction for Drainage Improvement Works in Tsim Sha Tsui. The scope of the consultancy agreement comprises preliminary and detailed design, public consultation, preparation of tender documents, assessment of tender and construction supervision for drainage improvement works in Tsim Sha Tsui. The consultancy agreement will last for about 120 months. The Assistant Director / Projects and Development of DSD, Mr WONG Sui-kan (second right) and the Managing Director of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited, Mr KUNG Wing-chuen (second left), attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony |