China Civil Engineering Society visits Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme

26 February 2019

President of China Civil Engineering Society, Mr. Guo Yunchong, led his delegation, together with the representatives of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers visited Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme today (26 February).

The project team introduced the flood prevention works of Drainage Services Department, the innovative elements and design features of the Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme, including the movable weir and the water harvesting system, etc. The guests then visited the underground stormwater storage tank and the green lawn on top of the pump house.

Group photo of the President of China Civil Engineering Society, Mr. Guo Yunchong, (sixth right, middle row), the delegation and DSD’s project team
Group photo of the President of China Civil Engineering Society, Mr. Guo Yunchong, (sixth right, middle row), the delegation and DSD’s project team

Delegates of China Civil Engineering Society were briefed on DSD’s flood prevention works
Delegates of China Civil Engineering Society were briefed on DSD’s flood prevention works

Senior Engineer of Drainage Projects Division, Mr Simon LAI Yuk-on (right) presented the monograph of DSD to the President of China Civil Engineering Society, Mr GUO Yunchong (left)
Senior Engineer of Drainage Projects Division, Mr Simon LAI Yuk-on (right) presented the monograph of DSD to the President of China Civil Engineering Society, Mr GUO Yunchong (left)


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