Media interviewed DSD on Revitalization of Tsui Ping River
5 December 2024
DSD Chief Engineer, Mr. Ian WAN Cheuk Keung and DSD Senior Engineer, Mr. Antony WAN Nam Fung, were interviewed by Hong Kong Economic Times, HK01, Ming Pao, Sing Tao Daily, Oriental Daily and South China Morning Post on 5 December 2024, to introduce the Revitalization of Tsui Ping River.
Mr. Ian WAN introduced to the reporters that the DSD has integrated the concept of "Rivers in the City" into the Revitalization of Tsui Ping River project. This initiative enhances the drainage capacity of the original King Yip Street nullah, improves the ecological environment, and transforms Tsui Ping River into a multifunctional public space. The project constructed 6 Pedestrian Walkways along the river to facilitate river crossings, with 1 Floating Pontoon to promote water-friendliness. In addition, 6 Landscaped Decks have been constructed along the river to provide riverside recreational space for the public.
Mr. Antony WAN elaborated that the revitalized Tsui Ping River is equipped with a Water Gate that rises and falls with the tides, which can manifest the water body’s characteristics of the river and reduces the chance of the river drying up, and preserves the ecological environment. 3 Dry Weather Flow Interceptors were also installed at Shui Wo Street, Wai Yip Street and Wai Fat Road to intercept polluted dry flow and divert it to the sewerage system. These measures reduce the pollutants entering the river, alleviate water pollution, and improve odour issues.
The interview was published on 11 December 2024. To view the articles (Chinese only), please refer to the following links:
DSD Chief Engineer, Mr. Ian WAN Cheuk Keung, introduced the concept of "Rivers in the City" to reporters
DSD Senior Engineer, Mr. Antony WAN Nam Fung, introduced the functions of the Water Gate to reporters