Drainage Services Department

China Daily Programme "Tech Asia" Interviewed DSD on Application of Desilting Robots

17 November 2023

DSD Senior Engineers, Mr Alan LAW Shiu-lun and Mr CHEUNG Fei-kit, introduced DSD's application of robots in desilting works during the interview by the China Daily's programme "Tech Asia" on 17 November 2023.  

In the interview, Mr LAW explained that the DSD has introduced robots in helping desilting in drainage facilities. Operators can control the desilting robots remotely to enter box culverts and rivers to conduct desilting works, which would not have affected by tides, thereby increasing the flexibility and efficiency of the desilting works, and improving the occupational safety of workers.

Mr CHEUNG introduced that the three new desilting robots utilised by the DSD were different from traditional robots, which required cable connections for electricity supply. The working distance of the new desilting robots was no longer limited by the length of the cable, making them suitable for desilting along river channels.

The interview was broadcast on "Tech Asia" on 12 December 2023. To view the interview, please refer to the link below:


DSD Senior Engineer, Mr Alan LAW Shiu-lun, explained the advantages of using desilting robots to the reporters

DSD Engineer, Mr CHEUNG Fei-kit, introduced the operation of the desilting robots to the reporters

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