Drainage Services Department

RTHK TV Programme "Hong Kong United" Interviewed the DSD on the work of Flood Prevention and Sewage Treatment

15 February 2023

DSD Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Mr David PUN Siu-wo, Engineers, Ms Linda HUI, Ms Maggie IP Pui-kei, Mr Alex LAU Yiu-man, Senior Engineers, Mr Frankie LEUNG Ho-tsung and Mr Ronald SIU Wai-chung were interviewed by Radio Television Hong Kong TV Programme "Hong Kong United" on 17 November, 15 December 2022 and 15 February 2023 respectively to introduce the work of DSD on flood prevention, sewage treatment and river revitalization.

The interviews were broadcast on RTHK TV32. To view the interviews, please click the links below (Cantonese only):

"Hong Kong United" Episode 112 (22 November 2022) – Shatin Sewage Treatment Works

"Hong Kong United" Episode 142 (3 January 2023) – Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel

"Hong Kong United" Episode 147 (10 January 2023) – Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme

"Hong Kong United" Episode 177 (21 February 2023) – Revitalisation of Kai Tak River and Jordan Valley Channel


DSD Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Mr David PUN Siu-wo, introduced the operation of Shatin Sewage Treatment Works

DSD Engineer, Ms Linda HUI, introduced the operation of Stanley Sewage Treatment Works

DSD Engineer, Ms Maggie IP Pui-kei, introduced DSD’s flood prevention strategies

DSD Engineer, Mr Alex LAU Yiu-man, introduced the operation of Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme

Senior Engineer, Mr Frankie LEUNG Ho-tsung, introduced the features of the revitalised Kai Tak River

Senior Engineer, Mr Ronald SIU Wai-chung, introduced the features of the revitalised Jordan Valley Channel

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