Ming Pao Interviewed the Director of Drainage Services
15 December 2023
On 15 December 2023, Ming Pao interviewed the Director of Drainage Services, Mr Ringo MOK Wing-cheong, on DSD's flood prevention strategy, measures in coping with torrential rain, and drainage improvement works.
During the interview, Mr MOK mentioned that lesson learnt from the experiences in coping with the torrential rain occurred in September 2023, the DSD has strengthened its flood prevention work as well as the measures in coping with torrential rain, which included implementation of minor improvement works in various districts, etc., so as to further mitigate the flood risk, and help resume normal daily lives for the community shortly. Mr MOK added that the DSD would take forward expeditiously seven drainage improvement works projects, covering Wong Tai Sin, Hong Kong Island East and other areas hit by severe floods in the past.
In addition, Mr MOK toured the reporters around the Happy Valley Stormwater Storage Tank, and introduced to the reporters the operation concept of the storage tank.
The relevant article was published on 18 December 2023. To view the article, please refer to the following link (Chinese only):
Ming Pao Interviewed the Director of Drainage Services
The Director of Drainage Services, Mr Ringo MOK Wing-cheong, gave an interview to Ming Pao on the DSD's flood prevention strategy, measures in coping with torrential rain, and drainage improvement works. Looking on are the Deputy Director of Drainage Services, Mr Peter CHUI Si-kay (right), and the Assistant Director/Projects & Development, Mr Brian CHOI Wing-hing (left)
The Director of Drainage Services, Mr Ringo MOK Wing-cheong, toured the reporters around the Happy Valley Stormwater Storage Tank, and introduced the operation of the tank to the reporters