Drainage Services Department

SDEV’s Blog: People-oriented Design City and Introduced Innovative Technologies for River Inspection

16 May 2023

The Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette LINN invited three DSD engineers, Mr LAW Tsz-wai, Mr YEUNG Wai-shing and Mr TAI Wai-hin, to discuss strategies for flood prevention work, beautifying the river environment, and promoting a water-friendly culture.

Mr LAW explained the DSD’s “Three-pronged Flood Prevention Strategy”, including “Interception”, “Flood storage” and “Drainage Improvement”, to combat flooding threats at various locations. He also introduced the lately developed innovative technology called “Good Grab” (the Grab) to help remove refuse from river channels.

While Mr YEUNG mentioned that the DSD set up a drone team last year and trained over 20 colleagues to operate the drones. He also elaborated and demonstrated the operation of the drone.

At last, Mr TAI explained how the DSD has incorporated more people-oriented designs along the riversides to promote a water-friendly culture, using Nam Sang Wai in Yuen Long and Jordan Valley Channel as examples.

The relevant article was published on “My Blog” of Development Bureau’s website. To view the article, please click the link below:

DSD Engineer, Mr LAW Tsz-wai, introduced the operation of “Good Grab”

DSD Engineer, Mr LAW Tsz-wai, introduced the operation of “Good Grab”

DSD Engineer, Mr YEUNG Wai-shing (first left), introduced that the duty of the drone team includes regular inspections of river channels, watercourses and outfalls

DSD Engineer, Mr YEUNG Wai-shing (first left), introduced that the duty of the drone team includes regular inspections of river channels, watercourses and outfalls

DSD Engineer, Mr TAI Wai-hin, explained that apart from improving the flood prevention capability of river channels, the DSD has also incorporated more people-oriented designs along the riversides to promote a water-friendly culture

DSD Engineer, Mr TAI Wai-hin, explained that apart from improving the flood prevention capability of river channels, the DSD has also incorporated more people-oriented designs along the riversides to promote a water-friendly culture

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