Drainage Services Department

DSD awarded Agreement No. CE 25/2023 (DS) “Drainage Improvement Works in Mui Wo - Design and Construction”

7 December 2023

The Drainage Services Department signed a consultancy agreement of about $15.0 million on 7 December 2023 with Binnies Hong Kong Limited for undertaking the design and construction for Drainage Improvement Works in Mui Wo.

The consultancy agreement adopts New Engineering Contract 4 (NEC4) Professional Services Contract (PSC) Option A. The consultancy agreement will last for about 90 months.

The Assistant Director/Projects and Development, Mr. CHOI Wing-hing, Brian (second right), the Chief Engineer/Project Management, Ms. HO Ka-yee, Carol (first right) of the DSD and the Managing Director, Mr. KWOK-yim, Andy (second left), the Director, Mr. SHOU Wan-lok, Stephanus (first left) of Binnies Hong Kong Limited attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

The Assistant Director/Projects and Development, Mr. CHOI Wing-hing, Brian (second right), the Chief Engineer/Project Management, Ms. HO Ka-yee, Carol (first right) of the DSD and the Managing Director, Mr. KWOK-yim, Andy (second left), the Director, Mr. SHOU Wan-lok, Stephanus (first left) of Binnies Hong Kong Limited attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

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