Drainage Services Department

DSD awarded Contract No. DC/2023/04 “Drainage Maintenance and Construction in Mainland South Districts (2023-2027)"

17 November 2023

The Drainage Services Department signed a maintenance term contract of about $556 million with Chiu Hing Construction & Transportation Company Limited – Dixie Engineering Company Limited Joint Venture on 17 November 2023. The works include maintenance and minor improvement works for the drainage and sewerage systems in Mainland South districts. This 48-month works contract commenced on 25 November 2023.

The Assistant Director / Operations and Maintenance, Mr. LAU Shing-cheong (third left ), Ag. Chief Engineer / Mainland South, Mr. CHEN Lan (third right) of DSD, and the Managing Director, Mr. LAU Fu Wing (second left), the Director, Mr. CHAN Chi Wai (first left) of Chiu Hing Construction & Transportation Company Limited, and the Director, Mr. LAU Ka King (second right) , the Director, Mr. CHENG Rizhong (first right) of Dixie Engineering Company Limited, attended the contract signing ceremony.


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