Drainage Services Department

TVB News Channel Programme “HK Historical Sites” interviewed the DSD on Manhole Design, Modification and Coloured Manhole Covers

14 June 2023

DSD Hotline Superintendent, Mr Sammy LAI Chiu-leung and Engineer, Mr Vincent WAN Chi-kin gave an interview to TVB News Channel Programme “HK Historical Sites” on 14 June 2023 on the history of manhole cover, its design modification over the years and the coloured manhole covers.

Mr LAI explained in the interview regarding the origin and types of manhole covers, their design features as well as the difference between past and existing manhole covers. Mr LAI also shared that the manhole cover with the longest history in Hong Kong is situated at Hip Wo Lane, Happy Valley. As the demand for manhole covers is growing rapidly, the manufacturing process of manhole covers has been shifted from foundry in England to local and mainland China. In addition, the letters and numbers casted on manhole covers indicate information such as year of manufacture and load bearing capacity.

On the other hand, Mr WAN mentioned that the DSD has installed coloured manhole covers at three tourist spots with rich local characteristics, namely Tai O, Lei Yue Mun and Kai Tak River. These manhole covers are designed to beautify the cityscape and arouse public interest of the drainage systems, creating good spots for citizens and tourists to check in. 

The interview was broadcast on “HK Historical sites” on 2 and 9 July 2023. To view the interview (Cantonese only), please visit the links below:

HK Historical Sites - History of Manhole Design and Design Modification

HK Historical Sites - Coloured Manhole covers 

DSD Hotline Superintendent, Mr Sammy LAI Chiu-leung, introduced to the reporter the history of manhole cover and design modification over the years

DSD Hotline Superintendent, Mr Sammy LAI Chiu-leung, introduced to the reporter the history of manhole cover and design modification over the years

DSD Engineer, Mr Vincent WAN Chi-kin, explained the purposes of installation of coloured manhole covers

DSD Engineer, Mr Vincent WAN Chi-kin, explained the purposes of installation of coloured manhole covers

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