Drainage Services Department

“Drainage Services Department Research and Development Forum (DSD R&D Forum) 2023” successfully concluded

14 November 2023

Drainage Services Department (DSD) R&D Forum 2023 was held on 14 November 2023 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). This year’s theme was "Thinking Outside the Pipes: Exploring Alternative Approaches to Stormwater and Wastewater Management".

This year’s forum experienced an exceptional turnout, with over 600 attendees filling the venue to capacity. Additionally, the forum garnered the online participation of Mainland and international attendees through webinar. Participants encompassed government officials, esteemed members of academia and industry, as well as other relevant stakeholders.

The opening of the DSD R&D Forum 2023 was officiated by Mr YE Shui -qiu, the Deputy Director-General of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (LOCPG), Mr Ricky LAU, the Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Miss Janice TSE, the Permanent Secretary for Environment and Ecology (Environment), Mr Peter CHUI Si-kay, Acting Director of Drainage Services and Mr Brian CHOI Wing-hing, Acting Deputy Director of Drainage Services.

In his welcome speech, Mr Peter CHUI Si-kay expressed his vision for the forum to serve as a platform for collaboration among government departments, academia, and the industry, driving advancements in research and development for enhanced stormwater and wastewater management.

During the morning session, esteemed speakers including Prof. Irene LO, JP of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Prof. YUAN Zhiguo of The City University of Hong Kong (CityU), and Prof. LI Xiao-yan of The University of Hong Kong (HKU) shared insights on novel technologies in wastewater management. Additionally, Prof. YUNG Kai-leung, BBS and Dr. TANG Yuk-ming of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), and Prof. Mohamed Salah GHIDAOUI of HKUST presented on intelligent inspection and monitoring systems.

In the afternoon session, Prof. TSANG Dan of HKUST discussed a pilot study on bioretention systems for stormwater harvesting, while Prof. LIU Yun-hui of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Dr. LOU Ping of HKU shared advancements in AI technologies for inspection and their innovative vision for AI in the sewage treatment industry. Prof. Jimmy JIAO of HKU addressed the potential applications of Managed Aquifer Recharge, and Mr WU Kai of Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) provided insights into various eco-friendly practices for wastewater management.

The DSD remains committed to fostering continuous engagement with diverse stakeholders, conducting research and development in various smart technologies, and implementing rigorous testing and application of advanced solutions. These efforts are aimed at advancing the sustainable development of Hong Kong.

Group photo of Mr YE Shui -qiu (front row, eighth left), the Deputy Director-General of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (LOCPG); Mr Ricky LAU (front row, seventh left), the Permanent Secretary for Development (Works); Miss Janice TSE (front row, seventh right), the Permanent Secretary for Environment and Ecology (Environment); Mr Peter CHUI Si-kay (front row, sixth right), Acting Director of Drainage Services; Dr Samuel CHUI (front row, fifth left), Director of Environmental Protection; Mr Brian CHOI Wing-hing (front row, sixth left), Acting Deputy Director of Drainage Services and other officiating guests and speakers.

Group photo of Mr YE Shui -qiu (front row, eighth left), the Deputy Director-General of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (LOCPG); Mr Ricky LAU (front row, seventh left), the Permanent Secretary for Development (Works); Miss Janice TSE (front row, seventh right), the Permanent Secretary for Environment and Ecology (Environment); Mr Peter CHUI Si-kay (front row, sixth right), Acting Director of Drainage Services; Dr Samuel CHUI (front row, fifth left), Director of Environmental Protection; Mr Brian CHOI Wing-hing (front row, sixth left), Acting Deputy Director of Drainage Services and other officiating guests and speakers.

The Acting Director of Drainage Services, Mr Peter CHUI Si-kay, delivering welcome speech

The Acting Director of Drainage Services, Mr Peter CHUI Si-kay, delivering welcome speech

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