Drainage Services Department

Media interviewed the DSD on the “Smart Sewerage Monitoring System”Scheme

30 August 2023

DSD Engineer, Mr George LAM Tsz-chiu and Chief Technical Officer, Mr LAU Chun-shing, were interviewed by media on 30 August 2023, to introduce the features and operation of the “Smart Sewerage Monitoring System” (SSMS) Scheme.

In the interview, Mr LAM expressed that the DSD has been trying to enhance the preventive maintenance of sewers since early 2023, and has implemented the pilot scheme, i.e. SSMS scheme, in Sham Shui Po and Prince Edward. Under the scheme, the DSD has installed sensors, namely “LeMonSwitch”, at 90 selected manholes in the two areas for real-time sewage overflow monitoring.

Mr LAU then introduced the features of a three-in-one medium combination jetting unit, namely “Private Eye”, which was another device under the SSMS scheme. He also demonstrated the operation of the two devices onsite. Mr LAU added, the SSMS scheme helped the DSD optimising the deployment of resources for sewer maintenance in a preventive manner, so as to minimise overflow risk.

The relevant articles were published on 31 August 2023.  To view the articles, please refer to the following links (Chinese only):


Sing Tao Daily

Oriental Daily

DSD Engineer, Mr George LAM Tsz-chiu (left), and Chief Technical Officer, Mr LAU Chun-shing (right) introduced the features and operation of the “Smart Sewerage Monitoring System” Scheme to the reporters

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