Drainage Services Department

Media Interviewed DSD on Revitalisation Works of Jordan Valley Nullah

8 March 2023

DSD Senior Engineer, Mr Ronald SIU Wai Chung and Landscape Architect, Ms Natalie LAW Wai Yan were interviewed by RTHK programme “Hong Kong Connection” on 8 March 2023 to share the revitalisation Works of Jordan Valley Channel.

In the interview, Mr SIU expressed that, with the application of the concept of “Rivers in the City, the DSD revitalised the Jordan Valley Nullah into a multi-functional urban river channel with the addition of ecological and greening elements. Mr SIU also introduced the background and the design of the project.  He mentioned that the River Garden provided the closest viewing location for the public to enjoy the scenery after revitalisation, hoping it to connect the community and the water body.  

Ms LAW introduced the landscape design in the interview. She explained that the plants suitable for upstream and downstream were different due to geological and hydrological reasons. Ms LAW added that some of the riparian plants were outplanted from Siu Ho Wan Nursery. The DSD studied a wide variety of river plants as well as their characteristics, and cultivated the plants suitable for the Jordan Valley Channel at the Nursery. This is the first time the Nursery providing self-sufficient riparian plants for the DSD’s own river revitalisation project.

The interview was broadcast on 4 May 2023. To view the interview (Cantonese only), please visit the link below:

DSD Senior Engineer, Mr Ronald SIU Wai -chung, introduced the background and design rationale of the Revitalisation Works of Jordan Valley Nullah to the reporters

DSD Senior Engineer, Mr Ronald SIU Wai Chung, introduced the background and design rationale of the Revitalisation Works of the Jordan Valley Nullah to the reporters

DSD Landscape Architect, Ms Natalie LAW Wai Yan, introduced the landscape design of the Revitalisation Works of Jordan Valley Channel to the reporters

DSD Landscape Architect, Ms Natalie LAW Wai Yan, introduced the landscape design of the Revitalisation Works of the Jordan Valley Channel to the reporters

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