Drainage Services Department

DSD awarded Contract No. DC/2023/10 “Rehabilitation of Underground Sewers – Stage 4”

6 September 2023

The Drainage Services Department (DSD) signed a works contract of about $202 million with Darwin Engineering Limited on 6 September 2023. The works include rehabilitation of some underground sewers and associated manholes in Central and Western, Wan Chai, Eastern, Southern, Islands, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, North, Tai Po, Sha Tin, Kwun Tong and Sai Kung districts.  This 41-month works contract commenced on 6 September 2023.

The Assistant Director/Projects and Development, Mr. CHOI Wing-hing, Brian (second right), Chief Engineer/Project Management, Ms. HO Ka-yee, Carol (first right) of DSD and the Vice President (Water, Asia), Mr. CHAN Ying-kin (second left) and the Executive Director (Water, Hong Kong), Mr. CHAN Chi-wai, Stanley (first left) of AECOM Asia Company Limited attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

The Assistant Director/Operations and Maintenance, Mr. LAU Shing-cheong (second right), the Principal Project Coordinator/Planning & Rehabilitation, Mr. CHAN Chi-ming (first right) of the DSD, the Director, Mr. YAU Ka-yin (second left) and Assistant General Manager, Mr. YAU Wai-man (first left) of Darwin Engineering Limited attended the contract signing ceremony.

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