Drainage Services Department

DSD awarded Contract No. DC/2023/12 “Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns–Ancillary Buildings, Cavern Ventilation System and Associated Works”

9 August 2023

The Drainage Services Department signed a works contract of about $2,331 million with China State - Alchmex Joint Venture on 9 August 2023. The works include construction of two ventilation buildings and other related buildings; construction and installation of the cavern ventilation system and associated electrical system; construction of emergency bypass; other related works; and implementation of environmental mitigation measures and related environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) programme for the above-mentioned works. This 68-month works contract commenced on 1 August 2023.

The Assistant Director/Projects & Development, Mr CHOI Wing-hing (fourth left), Chief Engineer/Cavern Projects, Mr LEUNG Ka-chung (third left) of DSD, the Chairman, Mr. HUNG Cheung-shew (second left) and Deputy General Manager, Mr. MA Hin-kuen, Ricky (first left) of China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited and the Director, Mr. ZHANG Ming (third right), Director, Mr. CHAN Wai-hung (second right) and General Manager, Mr. WU Yick-nam, Victor (first right) of Alchmex International Construction Limited attended the contract signing ceremony

The Assistant Director/Projects & Development, Mr CHOI Wing-hing (centre), Chief Engineer/Cavern Projects, Mr LEUNG Ka-chung (third left) of DSD, the Chairman, Mr. HUNG Cheung-shew (second left) and Deputy General Manager, Mr. MA Hin-kuen, Ricky (first left) of China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited and the Director, Mr. ZHANG Ming (third right), Director, Mr. CHAN Wai-hung (second right) and General Manager, Mr. WU Yick-nam, Victor (first right) of Alchmex International Construction Limited attended the contract signing ceremony

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