Drainage Services Department

DSD awarded Agreement No. CE 89/2022 (DS) “Revitalisation of Middle Tuen Mun River Channel - Investigation, Design and Construction”

31 August 2023

The Drainage Services Department signed a consultancy agreement of about $29.98 million on 31 August 2023 with AECOM Asia Company Limited for undertaking the investigation, design and construction for “Revitalisation of Middle Tuen Mun River Channel”.

The consultancy agreement adopts New Engineering Contract 3 (NEC3) Professional Services Contract (PSC) Option C.  The scope of the assignment comprises investigation, design and construction for revitalization of Middle Tuen Mun River Channel and provision of dry weather flow intercepting system.  The consultancy agreement will last for about 126 months.

The Assistant Director/Projects and Development, Mr. CHOI Wing-hing, Brian (second right), Chief Engineer/Project Management, Ms. HO Ka-yee, Carol (first right) of DSD and the Vice President (Water, Asia), Mr. CHAN Ying-kin (second left) and the Executive Director (Water, Hong Kong), Mr. CHAN Chi-wai, Stanley (first left) of AECOM Asia Company Limited attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

The Assistant Director/Projects and Development, Mr. CHOI Wing-hing, Brian (second right), Chief Engineer/Project Management, Ms. HO Ka-yee, Carol (first right) of DSD and the Vice President (Water, Asia), Mr. CHAN Ying-kin (second left) and the Executive Director (Water, Hong Kong), Mr. CHAN Chi-wai, Stanley (first left) of AECOM Asia Company Limited attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

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