Drainage Services Department

DSD Duty Visit to the Greater Bay Area

24 July 2023

Ms. Alice PANG, Director of Drainage Services, led a delegation to Macao on July 24 to visit the Coloane Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Inner Harbour North Rainwater Pumping Station and the Macau University of Science and Technology. The delegation met Mr. José Maria da Fonseca Tavares, Chairman of the Administration Committee on Municipal Affairs of Macao, and Mr. MAK Kim-meng, the Committee member. The two parties discussed and exchanged experience on flood control and drainage strategies, operation and maintenance of public drains, operation of rainwater pumping stations, emergency control measures during rainy seasons, and the latest pipe inspection and clearance technologies.

Ms. Alice PANG, Director of Drainage Services (fifth right), Mr. Edwin LAU Shing-cheong, Assistant Director of Drainage Services (third left), Mr. Jose Maria de Fonseca Tavares, Chairman of Administration Committee on Municipal Affairs of Macau (fifth left), and Mr. MAK Kim-meng, Member of Administration Committee on Municipal Affairs of Macau (fourth right) and Chair Professor Joseph LEE Hun-wei, President of Macau University of Science and Technology (fourth  left) took a group photo after the discussion at the Macao Municipal Affairs Bureau

Ms. Alice PANG, Director of Drainage Services (fifth right), Mr. Edwin LAU Shing-cheong, Assistant Director of DSD (third left), Mr. José Maria da Fonseca Tavares, Chairman of Administration Committee on Municipal Affairs of Macao (fifth left), and Mr. MAK Kim-meng, Member of Administration Committee on Municipal Affairs of Macao (fourth right) and Chair Professor Joseph LEE Hun-wei, President of Macao University of Science and Technology (fourth  left) took a group photo after the discussion at the Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao

In April and late May, the delegation from the Drainage Services Department (DSD) also visited several sewage treatment plants and river revitalization projects in Shenzhen, and several flood control facilities and effluent polishing plants in Guangzhou. The DSD delegation also discussed and exchanged experience with relevant authorities including the Pearl River Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources, Guangzhou Water Authority and Water Authority of Shenzhen Municipality. Duty visits to Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Macao reinforced the exchange and cooperation in flood control and drainage and sewage management works of all parties in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, which will help all parties jointly face the challenges brought about by climate change and enhance the efficiency in drainage and sewage treatment.

Ms. Alice Pang, Director of Drainage Services (sixth from right in the first row), Mr. Edwin Lau Shing Cheong, Assistant Director/Operations & Maintenance of Drainage Services Department (second from right in the first row), Mr. Raymond Lee Wai Man, Assistant Director/Sewage Services of Drainage Services Department (fourth from left in the first row), Mr. Xu Jiashi, Deputy Director of Pearl River Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources (fifth from right in the first row), and Mr. Li Ming, Deputy Director of Guangzhou Water Authority (sixth from left in the first row) took a group photo after the discussion at the Lijiao sewage treatment plant in Guangzhou

Ms. Alice PANG, Director of Drainage Services (front row, sixth right), Mr. Edwin LAU Shing-cheong, Assistant Director/Operations & Maintenance of DSD (front row, second right), Mr. Raymond LEE Wai-man, Assistant Director/Sewage Services of DSD (front row, fourth left), Mr. XU Jiashi, Deputy Director of Pearl River Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources (front row, fifth right), and Mr. LI Ming, Deputy Director of Guangzhou Water Authority (front row, sixth left) took a group photo after the discussion at the Lijiao sewage treatment plant in Guangzhou

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