Drainage Services Department

DSD received three awards in The HKIE Grand Award 2023

9 March 2023

Group photo of the DSD representatives in the award presentation ceremony

The DSD received three awards in the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Grand Award Presentation Ceremony on 9 March 2023, in recognition of the achievements and contributions of the profession towards the development of Hong Kong. A brief description of the awards is as follows:

Grand Prize - Innovation Category (Sub-category I - An Invention (All Member Group))

Awardee: Ir Dr Samuel CHUI Ho-kwong, Ir Peter CHUI Si-kay and Ir Prof ZHANG Tong

Awarded Project: A Customisable In-manhole Sampling Robot for Sewage Surveillance

Customisable In-manhole Sampling Robot

The deployment of the sampling robot in manhole

The newly customizable sampling robot (the device), invented by the DSD and Environmental Protection Department in collaboration with the University of Hong Kong, can be fitted inside sewage manholes and does not affect road users. After installation, the device can collect sewage samples automatically, allow customisable control for sampling activities and real-time feedback collection via Mobile App and Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) respectively.  Thus, the success rate of sewage sampling has been raised.  This invention has greatly enhanced the sampling capability of the DSD and has been widely used in Hong Kong, enabling the territory-wide sewage surveillance to help control the COVID-19 pandemic.

Secretary for Housing, Ms Winnie HO Wing-yin (third left) and President of the HKIE, Mr Aaron BOK Kwok-ming (third right) presented the Grand Prize to the Director of Drainage Services, Ms Alice PANG (second right), Deputy Director of Drainage Services, Mr Peter CHUI Si-kay (first right), Director of Enviromental Protection (the then Dupty Director), Dr CHUI Ho-kwong (second left) and Prof ZHANG Tong of Civil Engineering at the University of Hong Kong (first left)

Merit - Innovation Category (Sub-category II - An Inventive Application (All Member Group))

Awardee: Ir Eddie PAK Kan-ming, Ir CHEN Che-kong, Ir Wallace LEE Sing-tim and Ir Prof ZHANG Tong
Awarded Project: Territorial sewage surveillance in Hong Kong with engineering and IT application

Digital Geographic Map showing the locations of sewer sheds in Hong Kong (image captured in Year 2022)

To restraint spread of the COVID-19, a territory-wide sewage surveillance program has been successfully implemented by the DSD and Environmental Protection Department in collaboration with the cross-disciplinary team of the University of Hong Kong.  Utilizing novel sampling and testing techniques and incorporating Hong Kong's sewerage system and contemporary IT systems, the team established a surveillance network covering over 80% of the city's population. With over 31,000 sewage samples collected and tested, the program has been identifying asymptomatic patients in the community. Further application of a Geographical Information System (GIS) and a Sewage Management and Alert system (SMART) has facilitated real-time and data-driven situational analysis for allocating resources to high-risk areas.

President of the HKIE, Mr Aaron BOK Kwok-ming (third right) presented the Certificate of Merit to Project Leader of Drainage Services Department, Mr Eddie PAK Kan-ming (first left), Former Assistant Director of Environmental Protection Department, Mr CHEN Che-kong (second left), Infrastructure Development Manager of Environmental Protection Department, Mr Wallace LEE Sing-tim (second right) and Prof ZHANG Tong of Civil Engineering at the University of Hong Kong (first right)

Merit - Innovation Category (Sub-category II - An Inventive Application (Young Member Group))

Awardee: Ir HO Ka-kit
Awarded Project: Application of advanced technologies in condition survey for drainage and sewerage system

An image of condition survey taken by underground drones

Gators                                                          Remotely operated underwater vehicles

DSD-HKCLR co-developed robots - tumbler inspection balls

Facing some difficulties on using traditional methods for pipe condition surveys such as short inspection distance, stringent requirements on water level and flow diversion works, DSD has recently developed and adopted a variety of robotic technologies including underground drones, gators, remotely operated underwater vehicles, and tumbler inspection balls to overcome such difficulties.  With these innovative technologies, the workers have in turn enhanced the work efficiency.  Furthermore, DSD could also guarantee the safety of the workers and lower the costs arising from flow diversion works.  

Mr HO received the Merit Award - Innovation Category (Sub-category II - An Inventive Application (Young Member Group))

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