Drainage Services Department

DSD awarded Agreement No. CE 34/2020 (DS) “Review and Selection of River Sections for Revitalisation – Feasibility Study”

26 January 2021

The Drainage Services Department signed a consultancy agreement of $9.18 million with AECOM Asia Company Limited on 26 January 2021 for undertaking the feasibility study of review and selection of river sections for revitalisation.

The consultancy agreement adopts New Engineering Contract 4 (NEC4) Processional Services Contract (PSC) Option A. Its scope comprises review and identification of river sections for revitalisation, formulation of revitalisation schemes, technical assessments and field investigation. The consultancy agreement will last for about 30 months.


The Assistant Director/Operations and Maintenance of DSD, Mr HO Yiu Kwong (second right) and the Managing Director of AECOM Asia Company Limited, Mr Robert CHAN Ying-kin (second left) attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

The Assistant Director/Operations and Maintenance of DSD, Mr HO Yiu Kwong (second right) and the Managing Director of AECOM Asia Company Limited, Mr Robert CHAN Ying-kin (second left) attended the Agreement Signing Ceremony

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