DSD awarded Contract No. DE/2018/03 “Shek Wu Hui Effluent Polishing Plant – Main Works Stage 1 – Sidestream Treatment Facilities and E&M Works for Sludge Treatment Facilities”
7 November 2019
The Drainage Services Department signed a works contract of about $933 million with The Jardine Engineering Corporation, Limited on 7 November 2019. The works include electrical and mechanical (E&M) installation works for sludge treatment facilities (including sludge dewatering building, combined heat and power building, sludge digesters, biogas holding tanks, thermal hydrolysis pre-treatment system, etc.); E&M installation works for Ultraviolet system no. 1 and associated pumping station no. 1; design and construction of sidestream treatment facilities; and testing and commissioning for the associated systems. This 54-month works contract commenced on 23 October 2019.
The Director of Drainage Services, Mr. LO Kwok-wah, Kelvin (second right), Chief Engineer/ Sewerage Projects, Mr. LEUNG Wing-yuen, Walter (first right), the Director, Mr. O’BRIEN Kevin Michael (centre), the Director, Mr. YEUNG Chi-keung, Penn (second left) and the General Manager, Mr. LAW Chi-wai, Alex (first left) of The Jardine Engineering Corporation, Limited attended the contract signing ceremony