Drainage Services Department visited Beijing Water Authority

4 June 2018

Following the attendance of Beijing Water Authority (BJWA) at the forum for exchanging the policy of water supplies, flood prevention and sewage treatment, held in Hong Kong last November, the Drainage Services Department visited BJWA and Beijing Drainage Group Co., Ltd early this month for exchanging the policy of water management and flood prevention between Beijing and Hong Kong.  DSD also shared the experience on Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) which was awarded the 15th Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prize and hosting the IWA World Water Congress in Hong Kong in 2019.

The Director of Drainage Services Mr. Edwin TONG (middle of the right side) led representatives to share experience with the officials of Beijing Water Authority
The Director of Drainage Services Mr. Edwin TONG (middle of the right side) led representatives to share experience with the officials of Beijing Water Authority

The Director of Drainage Services Mr. Edwin TONG (1st right) and Chief Engineer of Land Drainage Division Mr. Edwin LAU (2nd right) visited the Xizhao Temple stormwater pumping station for understanding of its operation
The Director of Drainage Services Mr. Edwin TONG (1st right) and Chief Engineer of Land Drainage Division Mr. Edwin LAU (2nd right) visited the Xizhao Temple stormwater pumping station for understanding of its operation

Representatives of DSD took a group photo with the officials of Xizhao Temple stormawater pumping station
Representatives of DSD took a group photo with the officials of Xizhao Temple stormawater pumping station

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