Construction Sites Housekeeping Award Scheme 2013 concluded successfully

17 March 2014


The Drainage Services Department (DSD) has been organising the Construction Sites Housekeeping Award Scheme (the Scheme) since 2004 to promote team spirit among colleagues, contractors and consultants, enhance site cleanliness and tidiness, and boost DSD's public image.

At the award presentation ceremony, the Director of Drainage Services, Mr Daniel CHUNG Kum-wah, commended the participants for their hard work. He said, “I am delighted to note that the 51 participating teams in 2013 were rated “Good” for their overall average score. This was hinged on the concerted efforts of all contractors, consultants and site supervisory staff. I would like to take this opportunity to appeal to everyone to keep up the outstanding performance. Your collaborative efforts to serve the public by our motto ‘Do it from the Heart’, will help make our Vision, Mission and Values a reality.”

The construction contracts participating in the Scheme were grouped into 5 categories for assessment. There were two types of awards, namely, "The Best Construction Sites Housekeeping Award" and "Meritorious Award" in each category.  And "The Grand Award" was presented to the highest scoring construction contract among all 5 categories.

We had two winning teams for "The Grand Award" this year. One of them was Chun Wo Construction and Engineering Co., Ltd (the contractor) and the Drainage Projects Division of DSD for "Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme" (Contract No.: DC/2012/03). The other winning team was Sang Hing Civil Contractors Co., Ltd (the contractor) and AECOM Asia Company Limited (the consultant) for the project “North District and Tolo Harbour Regional Sewerage - Upgrading of sewage pumping stations and trunk sewers” (Contract No.: DC/2009/14).

The Director of Drainage Services, Mr Daniel CHUNG Kum-wah, and the Deputy Director of Drainage Services, Mr TSUI Wai, presented the awards to the winners. The winning teams of "The Grand Award" each received a calligraphy painting with eight Chinese characters bearing the meaning of “Collaboration for Site Improvement” in clerical script style, done by our former Deputy Director of Drainage Services, Mr H. S. TSE. Mr TSE was also present at the ceremony to show support to the winners

 The Director of Drainage Services, Mr Daniel CHUNG Kum-wah, made a speech in the award presentation ceremony  The Director of Drainage Services, Mr Daniel CHUNG Kum-wah, the Deputy Director of Drainage Services, Mr TSUI Wai and former Deputy Director of Drainage Services, Mr H. S. TSE had a group photo with the winning teams of
The Director of Drainage Services, Mr Daniel CHUNG Kum-wah, made a speech in the award presentation ceremony The Director of Drainage Services, Mr Daniel CHUNG Kum-wah, the Deputy Director of Drainage Services, Mr TSUI Wai and former Deputy Director of Drainage Services, Mr H. S. TSE had a group photo with the winning teams of "The Grand Awards"
 Calligraphy painting bearing the meaning of “Collaboration for Site Improvement” in clerical script style by former Deputy Director of Drainage Services, Mr H. S. TSE  Information panels of the five construction contracts winning
Calligraphy painting bearing the meaning of “Collaboration for Site Improvement” in clerical script style by former Deputy Director of Drainage Services, Mr H. S. TSE Information panels of the five construction contracts winning "The Best Construction Sites Housekeeping Awards"
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