DSD awarded Contract No. DC/2017/04 “Drainage Maintenance and Construction in Hong Kong Island and Islands Districts (2017-2021)”

4 December 2017

The Drainage Services Department signed a maintenance term contract of about $174 million with Kwan On – Vernaltex Joint Venture on 4 December 2017. The works include maintenance and minor improvement works for the drainage and sewerage systems in Hong Kong Island and Islands districts. The 48-month maintenance term contract commenced in December 2017.

The Assistant Director / Operations and Maintenance of DSD, Mr Fedrick KAN Yim-fai (third right), the Director of Kwan On Construction Company Limited, Mr WONG Yee-tung, Tony (second left) and the Director of Vernaltex Company Limited, Mr HO Kwok-poon, Paul (second right) attended the contract signing ceremony

The Assistant Director / Operations and Maintenance of DSD, Mr Fedrick KAN Yim-fai (third right), the Director of Kwan On Construction Company Limited, Mr WONG Yee-tung, Tony (second left) and the Director of Vernaltex Company Limited, Mr HO Kwok-poon, Paul (second right) attended the contract signing ceremony


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