Consultancy Agreement Awarded for Agreement No. CE 44/2012 (DS) "Review of Drainage Master Plan in Sha Tin and Sai Kung - Feasibility Study"
6 March 2013
The Drainage Services Department (DSD) signed a $5.3 million consultancy agreement on 4 March 2013 with AECOM Asia Company Limited to conduct a feasibility study to review the Drainage Master Plans in Sha Tin and Sai Kung which were conducted over ten years ago.
The scope of the study comprises formulation of drainage improvement measures to cope with future development and the associated investigations and mathematic modeling analysis on the drainage system to ensure the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the proposed improvement measures. The study is expected to take about 28 months to complete.
The Assistant Director / Operations & Maintenance of DSD, Mr. MAK Ka-wai (second right), at the agreement signing ceremony