DSD obtained Certification under OHSAS 18001: Occupational Health and Safety Management

11 January 2013

DSD is responsible for provision of public facilities for collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater and flood prevention in Hong Kong.  The work of DSD is closely related to our daily living and important to public health and safety.

Following the implementation of ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) in 2002 and ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) in 2007, DSD set up and started operating an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) under OHSAS 18001 since May 2012.  With the new OHSMS, DSD provides safe and healthy working environment and facilities to staff and enhanced the staff knowledge and awareness on occupational health and safety.

For effective management of QMS, EMS and OHSMS, these three management systems were integrated into an Integrated Management System (IMS).  The new IMS not only addressed public demand for provision of world-class wastewater and stormwater drainage services in  environmentally responsible and safe manner but also put DSD’s Vision, Mission and Values in practice.

With the effort of all DSD staff, DSD successfully obtained certification on OHSAS 18001 in December 2012.  Certificate Award Ceremony was held in DSD Christmas Party on 21 December 2012 when Mr CHAN Mo-po Paul, Secretary for Development, presented the certificates to seven IMS representatives.  DSD established, implemented and passed the  certification audit on the new IMS incorporating OHSMS in less than 14 months.  The success demonstrated a high level of co-operation in DSD staff. 

The Secretary for Development, Mr Paul Chan, Director of Drainage Services, Mr Chan Chi-chiu, Deputy Director of Drainage Services, Mr Tsui Wai, and 7 IMS representatives at the Certificate Award Ceremony

The Secretary for Development, Mr Paul Chan, Director of Drainage Services, Mr Chan Chi-chiu, Deputy Director of Drainage Services, Mr Tsui Wai, and 7 IMS representatives at the Certificate Award Ceremony


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